Author Archive: robyn

campaign meeting about the TPP


Join a coalition of community groups learning how we can educate the public about the dangers of the TPP and ISDS in a community campaign. Next meeting Wednesday 7th May 10am at the Office of Green’s Senator Penny Wright, Level 3, 27 Leigh Street, Adelaide.

Leaked chapters from the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade negotiations and the recent Korea-Australia Free Trade Agreement, provide clear and chilling examples of how new modern trade agreements can have influence over significant areas of public interest and importance.

The Abbott Government supports ‘Trojan Horse’ provisions commonly called Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) clauses in current trade negotiations. Even former Prime Minister John Howard did not support ISDS in the last US Free Trade Agreement. ISDS provisions open a can of worms, and allows foreign investors to sue governments if their investments are ‘harmed’ by a national, state or local policy or law. We know from ISDS clauses in other so-called FTAs this mechanism could;

• Put at risk affordable medicines and Australia’s Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme

• Attack moves to tighten rules on foreign investment in agricultural land and water

• Prevent moratoriums on genetically modified organisms and coal seam gas extraction

• Attack environment laws and legislation designed to address climate change; and

• Remove county or region of origin food labelling.

The Fair Food Adelaide Collective is continuing the campaign against the TPP, if you would like to be involved please contact us at

March Against Monsanto 11am Sat 24 May

.No Monsanto banner

March Against Monsanto

Friends of the Earth Adelaide’s Fair Food collective are proud to support the March Against Monsanto Genetically-Modified-Organism-Free Food project.

A rally and march is planned for Saturday May 24th 2014 starting at Parliament House at 11am followed by a workshop on goals & strategies for activists.  The theme of the rally is “Educating the General Public about GMOs”

More information can be found on Facebook: March Against Monsanto Event page and Networking Community Group

Please contact or for more information

Invitation to Fair Food Adelaide Launch Party May 8

Dear FOE members and friends

The Reclaim the Food Chain collective has been reborn as Fair Food Adelaide. Please come join us for our launch party!

Thursday 8th May
Box Factory, Regent St City
Invitation attached.
Please consider a voluntary dinner contribution – about $10 will cover the costs of a delicious catered vegan feast. Any spare will go towards other Fair Food Adelaide events.
Please RSVP by May 1 to or 0422 071 05 as well as book your tickets at Eventbrite
Hope to see you there!

Launch Party Invitation

Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement Community Meeting



Please pass onto your networks.

Community discussion with Greens Senator Peter Whish-Wilson re TPP and ISDS

When: Tuesday 15 April, 6pm to 7pm. Drinks and nibbles from 5.30pm.

Where: Office of Greens Senator Penny Wright, Level 3, 27 Leigh Street, Adelaide

Leaked chapters from the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade negotiations and the recent Korea-Australia Free Trade Agreement, provide clear and chilling examples of how new modern trade agreements can have influence over significant areas of public interest and importance.

The Abbott Government supports ‘Trojan Horse’ provisions commonly called Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) clauses in current trade negotiations. Even former Prime Minister John Howard did not support ISDS in the last US Free Trade Agreement. ISDS provisions open a can of worms, and allows foreign investors to sue governments if their investments are ‘harmed’ by a national, state or local policy or law. We know from ISDS clauses in other so-called FTAs this mechanism could;

• Put at risk affordable medicines and Australia’s Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme

• Attack moves to tighten rules on foreign investment in agricultural land and water

• Prevent moratoriums on genetically modified organisms and coal seam gas extraction

• Attack environment laws and legislation designed to address climate change; and

• Remove county or region of origin food labelling.

Please RSVP to by 5pm Monday 14 April if you would like to take part in this important discussion.

The Fair Food Adelaide Collective is continuing the campaign against the TPP, if you would like to be involved please contact us at