Political forum on Premium Clean Food in SA 12 March 2014

An election forum on party food policies and plans. Candidates will each present their party’s policies on this topic, followed by a panel discussion and audience questions.  Information on premium food and wine from our clean environment – one of the seven Strategic Priorities for SA.

Panelists include The Hon. Gail Gago MLC, Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries, The Hon. Mark Parnell MLC, Parliamentary Leader of the SA Greens, The Hon. David Ridgway MLC, Shadow Minister for Agriculture, Primary Industries and the Environment.

Wednesday 12 March 2014, 6.30pm for 7pm start (finish approx 8.30pm) Bradley Forum, Hawke Building Level 5, UniSA City West campus

More information and Register for this FREE event

Proudly supported by Food Matters Onkaparinga, Adjust Earth, SA Genetic Food Information Network, the Regional Food Industry Association and Friends of the Earth Adelaide

Why GM-free SA? Facts, fun and fairness 5 March 2014

Local and international experts will present information on the global issue of Genetically Modified Food – what it is, how it affects the environment and agriculture, and its impact on our health and wellbeing.

Wednesday 5 March 2014, 6.30pm for a 7pm start (finishing approx. 8.30pm)

Allan Scott Auditorium, Hawke Building, UniSA City West campus

With Vandana Shiva and Jeffrey Smith via DVD

More information and Register for this FREE event

Proudly supported by Food Matters Onkaparinga, Adjust Earth, SA Genetic Food Information Network, and the Regional Food Industry Association, Friends of the Earth Adelaide




A Plains to Plate Potluck Party

Reclaim the Food Chain extends an open invitation to a Plains to Plate Potluck Party on Friday August 23rd from 6pm.

A celebration and showcase of community food projects in Adelaide as part of Fair Food Week 2013.

Where: Upstairs at Earth Kitchen, 131 Pirie St

When: 6.30 for a shared potluck meal followed by a few short talks about local food projects

Music from 9pm

Why: to connect people who are passionate about just and sustainable food systems, learn what we are all up to, and celebrate our successes. It’s been three years since the Plains to Plate conference and this is a chance to reconnect and strengthen the network. Also a fun opportunity to learn what’s happening if you are interested in getting involved or learning more.

Bring a dish that represents your idea of fair food for a shared meal.

Hear about some of the amazing fair food projects happening in our very own backyard and share what you’re up to, or your ideas and dreams.

Then let your hair down and enjoy a delicious local beverage and a dance (local band TBA).

And in case that’s not enough, more food (that’s what it’s all about, right?)!  Delicious fair trade coffee and locally made cakes.

Get in the running for secret delicious door prizes!

All welcome!

Tell your friends.

A celebration of good food and farming

Cyclovida & Seeds of Freedom: opening night of FoE's Feast of Film

Cyclovida & Seeds of Freedom: opening night of FoE’s Feast of Film

Friends of the Earth presents the sixth annual Feast of Film

A celebration of good food and farming.

Saturday August 23rd 2003, 4pm-7pm

Box Factory Community Centre, 59 Regent Street South, Adelaide

Tickets $10-$15, at the door

Soup, bread and cakes available at interval, by donation

For more information contact adelaide.office@foe.org.au

4pm doors open

4:30 films begin

5:30 – 6pm intermission

7pm close

All funds raised support local and international projects for just and sustainable food and farming.

Ciclovida (lifecycle) 76 min, Brazil

Ciclovida (lifecycle) follows a group of subsistence farmers as they traverse the South American continent by bicycle on a mission to rescue natural seeds.

The travellers document how agrofuels are taking over the countryside and displacing millions of small farmers and indigenous communities. Subsistence crops and forests are being replaced by green deserts of genetically modified monocultures where nothing else, plant or animal, can survive the toxic sprays.

Seeds of Freedom 30min

Seeds of Freedom charts the story of seed from its roots at the heart of traditional, diversity rich farming systems across the world, to being transformed into a powerful commodity, used to monopolise the global food system.The film highlights the extent to which the industrial agricultural system, and genetically modified (GM) seeds in particular, has impacted on the enormous agro-biodiversity evolved by farmers and communities around the world, since the beginning of agriculture.