Practical solutions to environmental concerns are addressed with the hope that filmmaker Damon Gameau’s daughter, 21 years old in the year 2040, will face a hopeful future.
The film looks at possible solutions in four key areas:
We look at what can be done with solar panels capturing sunlight and trading it between neighbouring houses.
What happens if we extend the idea to trade electricity over a larger region?
Can we manage our own energy more easily and cheaply than a massive centralised system?
Is it the end of the motorcar?
Or should me move to rented autonomous vehicles?
Perhaps better public transport?
And what could we do with the space currently taken up by super highways?
Food Production
Can we revise our food production to take better care of the soils, making them more productive
and allowing them to store more carbon at the same time?
Will growing food locally be more productive?
Should we move to a vegetarian diet?
How can we release the creativity of those denied education?
What might happen if people who couldn’t afford education
— or were denied it by virtue of belief, gender or background — were given
the chance to create opportunities and solutions for their regions?
If you’d like to see this movie, you can get tickets for $15/$10 concession, or two tickets for $20.
Why not bring a friend to our screening on November 12th, 7pm at the Mercury?