Our AGM will be held at the Box Factory at 2pm on Saturday, May 22nd. Please gather at 2pm for a 2:15 start. We will make allowance for people to Zoom in, if they prefer.
The Box Factory is at 59 Regent St South, Adelaide
The Draft Agenda
i. Confirmation of the minutes of the previous annual general meeting
ii. Consideration of the accounts and reports of the administration and strategy collective
iii. The appointment of the following officer-bearers:
facilitator, who shall convene meetings of the association and arrange for their facilitation;
secretary, who shall deal with correspondence and keep the records of the association;
treasurer, who shall keep the financial records of the association and organize an audit when necessary;
membership officer, who shall keep up-to-date membership records;
and public officer
iv. appointment of other ASC members
v. considering any proposed amendments to the constitution