NEG: A rushed job that takes us backwards, not forwards

South Australia energy minister Tom Koutsantonis has slammed the federal government’s proposed National Energy Guarantee, saying it is nothing more than an attack on renewable energy, and cannot be supported.

“This is of great concern to South Australia,” Koutsantonis said while addressing a conference [South Australian Smart Energy Summit] in Adelaide. “We cannot support the National Energy Guarantee …. And the reason is because at its core, it is an attack on renewable energy.

“The National Energy Guarantee assumes that renewable energy is the problem … it assumes that renewable energy has done harm to the grid and must be stopped somehow.”

“It’s not a National Energy Guarantee at all, it is a guarantee for coal. It is an attempt to subsidise and keep alive coal fired generation in the largest state in country.

“Our fear is that it will do the opposite of lowering prices  …. and entrench monopoly behaviour (of fossil fuel generators).”

Koutsantonis’ comments reflect widespread and growing concerns about the nature of the NEG, its failure to address emissions, its modeling that suggests renewables will be stopped in their tracks, its likely impact of raising prices rather than lowering them, and entrenching the power of the incumbent generators and their coal assets.


“This guarantee …. spells dirty coal. How can any jurisdiction support that?

“It doesn’t meet our needs. It doesn’t meet the Paris agreement … all it is is a nod and a wink to the coal industry. And we can’t support it.”

— excerpts from an article by Giles Parkinson at

RALLY! Don’t Dump on SA – call for organising group members

YES! We’re still against a Nuclear Waste Dump and we want to demonstrate that there is a large section of the community, people from all walks of life, who still care about this issue.

Are you interested in contributing to the work of putting on a  ‘no dump’ rally? Regular fortnightly meetings for this group will commence this Monday 27th September at 5:30-7pm at The Joinery.

Increased compliance obligations for charities target environmental advocacy organisations

The long campaign against the environment movement

As the environment and climate movements grow in power and influence, various conservative and anti-environmental forces have sought to damage or reduce the power of the movement.

The campaign against environmental protectors reached something of a fever pitch while Tony Abbott was the Australian Prime Minister, and has become less overt since Malcolm Turnbull became PM. But it is now clear that the agenda continues, with a new ‘review’ of tax arrangements for non-government organisations (NGOs) singling out environmental organisations for particular scrutiny.

Last Thursday evening at the Conservation Council of SA AGM we heard from Dr Peter Burdon and Dr Sylvia Villios speak about changes to the charity (DGR) status of environmental NGOs. They spoke about the recent treasury discussion paper, describing the proposed changes. Submissions have now closed, but none of the proposed changes have been passed into law. There is still an opportunity to influence this process by contacting the Federal Minister for the Environment, Greg Hunt or the Assistant Minister to the Treasurer, Michael Sukkar.

For more background on this campaign, as well as additional resources, click here:

This article appeared in The Saturday Paper is recommended:

The article is behind a paywall, but the site allows non-subscribers to read one article free per week. Here are some excerpts from the article:

In 2015, the government initiated an inquiry by the House of Representatives standing committee on the environment into whether green groups should lose their Deductible Gift Recipient status if they engaged in advocacy or protest.

The current minister with responsibility for the commission is the assistant minister to the treasurer, Michael Sukkar.

“Michael Sukkar is of that right-wing part of the Victorian Liberal Party, along with Kevin Andrews, that opposed the very notion of the ACNC,” David Crosbie says.… Read more >>

AYCC seeks crowdfunding for billboard promoting Repower Port Augusta campaign

Australian Youth Climate Change Coalition is active in promoting renewable energy for South Australia. Now is a critical time. Can you help?

Imagine what it will feel like to finally win the campaign to repower Port Augusta with solar thermal! 

That decision could happen in just weeks. And we’re SO excited and SO nervous.

That’s why together we have to make a statement in the Adelaide CBD with this billboard, just down the road from Parliament House. Can you donate to send a message to Premier Weatherill and the SA Government that it’s time to back solar thermal in Port Augusta?

Every $4,000 raised means we can display the billboard for another fortnight so every dollar you contribute makes a big difference.

For the last 5 years, Port Augusta locals, South Australians and folks across the country have been fighting tooth and nail to make solar thermal a reality. Now, on the eve of the Premier’s decision, we have to make sure it’s the right one.

The right decision for SA’s power supply, for the people of Port Augusta, for our climate and for our national energy debate.

We are so close. We just need Jay to come through with the goods. Chip in what you can to put this billboard up right under Jay’s nose.

This is the final push of the campaign to build Australia’s first solar thermal tower with storage. We’ve thrown everything at this campaign – billboards, rallies, community votes, videos, petitions, MP visits, banners, walking 328km for solar…

This could be the public message that pushes Jay over the edge.


No Dumps Election Strategy Meeting – Wed 26th July FoE

State Election Strategy Meeting – No Nuclear Waste Dump on Adnyamathanha Yarta

FoE Members & interested allies are invited to come to the community room at Christie Walk on Wednesday 26th July at 5pm to discuss strategy in the lead up to the next State election.

The Second Citizen’s Jury into the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission’s Report demonstrated there is widespread support for Indigenous sovereignty and against the expansion of permissions at state level for activities relating to nuclear industry activity in South Australia.

“We won that battle but the fight isn’t over yet.” The Federal Government is targeting three sites in SA to become the national nuclear waste dump. These plans have been on foot for quite sometime. In 2004, South Australians won a 6-year fight against the same proposal. This produced the SA Nuclear Waste Storage (Prohibition) Act 2000 (SA) which aims to “protect the health, safety and welfare of the people of South Australia and to protect the environment in which they live by prohibiting the establishment of certain nuclear waste storage facilities in this State.”

The current Federal Government has demonstrated that they are not interested in community consultation, and we need to get current & aspiring state politicians to understand that this is a critical issue for all people in South Australia. The nuclear industry is not winding-down and in the last few days[*], it has been announced that we have commenced exports of uranium to India. Although the agreement to supply uranium was signed in 2014, it was first reported in the media about twelve months later. We need to continue to be pro-active in our opposition to all things nuclear, and ensure that waste storage never gets a foot in the door.
