New Chain reaction out! #129, April 2017

The new CR is out! And full of interesting articles…

  • Why the National Electricity Market is a disaster, and how to fix it
  • The government is right to fund energy storage: a 100% renewable grid is within reach
  • Will the Victorian Liberal’s anti-renewables stance cost it an election?
  • Australia’s snubs nuclear weapons talks
  • With Donald Trump in power, Australia urgently needs to re-evaluate its US bases
  • Undemocratic, racist nuclear waste legislation should be dumped
  • Fukushima nuclear disaster and the violation of women’s and children’s human rights
  • Half of the world’s nuclear power industry is in crisis
  • Militarism and environmentalism
  • Victoria’s koala population needs protection
  • Evidence mounts that nano-titanium dioxide in food may be harmful
  • Food supply and the next generation of GM breeding
  • Fracking’s frontier politics: The Northern Territory at an energy crossroads
  • Why won’t Australia ratify an international deal to cut mercury pollution?
  • Deep sea mining plans for Papua New Guinea raise alarm
  • The troubling evolution of corporate greenwashing
  • Famine doesn’t just ‘happen’ – and those who cause it must be held to account
  • A new deal with capitalism requires a revolution in politics and markets
  • Melbourne’s air warfare convention: ‘The ultimate family adventure’?
  • Why ‘green-black’ alliances are less simple than they seem

View the issue here (PDF)


Adelaide FoE AGM: Gas in the SE? No F@#king way!

The Adelaide Friends of the Earth AGM is on March 30th;
If you’re a member or supporter, we’d urge you to come along.

Our speaker at the FoE AGM will be Anne Daw, Agricultural Advocate, talking about the conflict between gas & mineral mining and farmland. She was concerned by the recent government announcement to boost gas exploration.
While our Premier is being elevated to great heights on his stance with renewables and consideration of battery storage, sinister plans may be afoot to ensure that the South Australian Government may be still prepared to put at risk, prime agriculture land, precious water, our clean and green image and export markets.

In a news release on March 9, Energy and Resources Minister, Tom Koutsantonis said
“The removal of onshore drilling bans or hydraulic fracturing moratoria could also allow the market to access supply not currently available,” Energy Minister Tom Koutsantonis said the report showed Steven Marshall should immediately abandon his promise to ban unconventional gas developments in the South East.

Last Tuesday, the Minister made an announcement that “the State Government would be using “every aspect of our arsenal” to tackle the problem, and intended to have its solution in place for next summer. Local gas generation will be a key, with the government to unlock more of the state’s gas reserves.”

If you’re coming, please reserve tickets using the form below; it’ll help us ensure there are seats for everyone!

Note: Anne will be the first item on the agenda, after a brief intro and welcome.

Want to get involved?

We hope you’re enjoying the fortnightly email newsletter from FoE Adelaide.
You can support our work in a number of ways:

  • feel free to forward the newsletter to people who may be interested;
  • join friends of the earth adelaide;
  • donate two hours of wages each month to Adelaide FoE, or two hours of your time working on FoE campaigns and projects;
  • come along to FoE meetings and contribute to the discussion on building an ecological future
    (you can start with the AGM on Mar 30th)!

Donations here
membership forms



Non violent direct action training Sat 4 March

Non Violent Direct Action Training
Saturday 4 March
The Joinery
111 Franklin St Adelaide

Come along and learn about non violent direct action in the spirit of Gandhi and Martin Luther King, from our faciliator Mara Bonacci of Friends of the Earth Melbourne’s Anti-nuclear and Clean Energy Collective.

Learn theory, legal issues, codes of conduct, role play and planning an action.

BYO lunch. Tea, coffee and biscuits provided.

Entry by donation. All proceeds to the campaign against nuclear expansion in SA.

Please book your spot by RSVPing to

Facebook event link