Take the Green Pledge for FoE in October!

The Green Pledge involves taking 5 personal actions for one week to limit your carbon emissions to 50% of the average Australian. By getting friends and family to sponsor you for your efforts, you can raise awareness and funds to help tackle climate change. This year The Green Pledge is taking place from the 17th-23rd of October.

You can choose your 5 personal actions from 9 options. Options include eating vegetarian meals, taking public transport and having 2 minute showers. See “Your 5 Steps” to choose what your Green Pledge week will entail. We encourage people to take on both simple and challenging commitments, to see what you can do! Beyond the week, we hope that participants will adopt some of these changes into their everyday lives as they realise the benefits of these alternatives.

Carbon emissions are a key contributor to anthropogenic climate change. By reducing our carbon emissions, we can help reduce the dangers of rapid climate change including more frequent extreme weather events and rising sea levels. Australia has one of the highest per capita GHG emission rates on the planet, and we can play a big role in reducing global emissions.

Funds from these donations go directly to Friends of the Earth, a grassroots activist organisation. All contributions are tax deductible.

Samantha Castro from FoE Melbourne is taking the pledge and you can donate to her here

Divestment Day Oct 18th – remove your finances from the fossil fuel industry

Since 2008, ANZ, CommBank, NAB and Westpac have funded almost $19 billion worth of dirty fossil fuel projects in Australia.


Join us (Market Forces and Australia) on Divestment Day, (17 and) 18 October, as we tell the big banks that if “you choose fossil fuels, we’re choosing another bank!”


Australia is on the verge of a massive expansion of its fossil fuel industry. 

Coal and gas projects are proposed that threaten precious natural icons like the Great Barrier Reef, and also our climate, health, water and land. The big four banks will play will play a crucial role in financing these projects.

On (17 and) 18 October 2014, thousands of Australians will turn out to publicly close their accounts with the big four banks in protest over their funding of the fossil fuel industry.

Register now:


Adelaide, SA

Saturday 18 October 2014 at 11am 

The ‘Mall’s Balls’ in Rundle Mall

Melbourne, VIC

Saturday 18 October 2014 at 11am

Federation Square – St Paul’s Court, next to the Melbourne Visitor Centre

Sydney, NSW

Saturday 18 October 2014 at 11am

Sydney Square – Between Sydney Town Hall and St Andrews Cathedral

Brisbane, QLD

Saturday 18 October 2014 at 11am

Reddacliff Place, public seating near corner of North Quay and Queen Street

Perth, WA

Saturday 18 October 2014 at 11am

Perth Cultural Centre – in front of LED screen

Canberra, ACT

Saturday 18 October 2014 at 11am

Garema Place, “The Chess Board”

Hobart, TAS

Friday 17 October 2014 at 12.30pm

Corner of Elizabeth and Liverpool Streets, Outside the NAB building

For regional locations, or more information, visit:

Invite your friends to join!

campaign meeting about the TPP


Join a coalition of community groups learning how we can educate the public about the dangers of the TPP and ISDS in a community campaign. Next meeting Wednesday 7th May 10am at the Office of Green’s Senator Penny Wright, Level 3, 27 Leigh Street, Adelaide.

Leaked chapters from the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade negotiations and the recent Korea-Australia Free Trade Agreement, provide clear and chilling examples of how new modern trade agreements can have influence over significant areas of public interest and importance.

The Abbott Government supports ‘Trojan Horse’ provisions commonly called Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) clauses in current trade negotiations. Even former Prime Minister John Howard did not support ISDS in the last US Free Trade Agreement. ISDS provisions open a can of worms, and allows foreign investors to sue governments if their investments are ‘harmed’ by a national, state or local policy or law. We know from ISDS clauses in other so-called FTAs this mechanism could;

• Put at risk affordable medicines and Australia’s Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme

• Attack moves to tighten rules on foreign investment in agricultural land and water

• Prevent moratoriums on genetically modified organisms and coal seam gas extraction

• Attack environment laws and legislation designed to address climate change; and

• Remove county or region of origin food labelling.

The Fair Food Adelaide Collective is continuing the campaign against the TPP, if you would like to be involved please contact us at