Adelaide FoE Notes

These posts are to appear in the fortnightly newsletter

The Energy Transition

At the recent visit by Bill McKibben for, FoE Adelaide released The Playford Declaration. It says, in part, the following:

Here in South Australia we are in the midst of an energy transition
from fossil fuels to renewables plus storage.

We applaud what the former State Government has achieved in the construction of renewables and battery storage; the solar subsidy it announced for low income citizens; and the planned move to overlapping local grids to provide a robust network.

While South Australia is well on target to hit its plan for 50% renewables, and predicted to reach 73% renewables by 2025, it is still funding the search for more gas fields, fails to oppose oil exploration in the Great Australian Bight, and is still considering unconventional gas and fracking in the north and south-east of the state.

It makes no sense to search for new fossil fuels which we cannot burn if we hope to contain warming to at most the 1.5 – 2 degrees we pledged for the Paris Agreement.

We need to recognise that the Energy transition is not yet complete.

Premier Thomas Playford in the mid 1940s shifted our energy system to use brown coal from Leigh Creek.
We need visionary politicians who realise that we need to both rapidly move to 100% renewable energy,
and to stop burning fossil fuels.

We call upon current and would-be politicians (and Premiers!) to take inspiration from Playford’s example and commit to a just, socially equitable energy transition: support not only a rapid move to renewables but also stop the support and funding of fossil fuels, whether for domestic use or export, for the sake of the state, the nation, and the planet.

Read the full declaration at or download the Energy-DeclarationFinal

If you’re interested in working on the renewables transition campaign, there’s a meeting for FoE members and supporters at the common room at Christie Walk (entry off 101 sturt st) from 3pm on Saturday, May 26th.


Climate Leadership Requires a Managed Decline of Fossil Fuel Production

Global climate change is a crisis of unprecedented scale, and it will take unprecedented action to avoid the worst consequences of our dependence on oil, coal, and gas. Equally as critical as reducing demand and emissions is the need for immediate and ambitious action to stop exploration and expansion of fossil fuel projects and manage the decline of existing production in line with what is necessary to achieve the Paris climate goals.

Clean, safe, and renewable fuels are already redefining how we see energy and it is time for nations to fully embrace 21st century energy and phase out fossil fuels.

The Lofoten Declaration affirms that it is the urgent responsibility and moral obligation of wealthy fossil fuel producers to lead in putting an end to fossil fuel development and to manage the decline of existing production.

We stand in solidarity with, and offer our full support for, the growing wave of impacted communities around the world who are taking action to defend and protect their lives and livelihoods in the face of fossil fuel extraction and climate change. It is a priority to elevate these efforts. Frontline communities are the leaders we must look to as we all work together for a safer future.

A global transition to a low carbon future is already well underway. Continued expansion of oil, coal, and gas is only serving to hinder the inevitable transition while at the same time exacerbating conflicts, fuelling corruption, threatening biodiversity, clean water and air, and infringing on the rights of Indigenous Peoples and vulnerable communities.

The full declaration, plus a list of global signatories, here


The Foreign Donations Bill is broken. Time to start again

April 9th, 2018: The Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters (JSCEM) Committee which has been running the Inquiry into the Electoral Legislation Amendment (Electoral Funding and Disclosure Reform) Bill 2017 has released its report late this afternoon. The Committee has released a Majority Report (written by government and ALP members) and a Minority Report (dissenting report) from the Australian Greens.

“This is a significant step back by the government members of this Committee from the extreme measures proposed in the original Bill” said Friends of the Earth campaigns co-ordinator Cam Walker. “The original Bill was clearly ideological over-reach, and the Committee members had the common sense to recognise this”.

Accelerate Climate Action! Bill McKibben in Town May 4th

Glen Klavotsky, of writes:

Sometimes you hear someone speak and it can change your view on the world.

350 founder Bill McKibben is one of those people.

He is a compelling speaker – someone who has changed people’s minds about climate change.

That’s why we’re so excited about bringing Bill to Australia for the Accelerate Climate Action tour. Because at each of our event locations across the country, people will get empowered to take climate action, and have the chance to hear from local climate activists in their area.

Have you booked your tickets?

350’s Jackson was inspired by Bill McKibben to get into climate activism. “He showed me that our governments weren’t going to handle this,” Jackson says. “And that it was up to people like us to step up, and stop the fossil fuels industry burning the planet up.”

Another testimonial comes from 350’s Joce. “I loved how he made the Maths so simple,” she says. “I could scribble it straight into my notebook and then re-read it to friends for months after. The simplicity of the numbers was just overwhelming.”

Alongside Bill in Adelaide, you will also hear from founding member of Coloured Stone, Bunna Lawrie; Repower Port Augusta’s Lisa Lumsden; and Peter Owen, Director of the Wilderness Society in South Australia.

Are you ready to accelerate on climate action?

Book now to hear from a world renowned climate activist, people taking action on the ground in your area, and join with us in fighting for a safe climate future.

We hope to see you there,

Glen, for the 350 Australia team

PS. Once you’ve booked to join us on the Accelerate Climate Action tour, make sure you invite your friends and family on Facebook. Help us make this Fossil Free event massive!

Don’t Bank on the Bomb!

2018 report Don’t Bank on the Bomb now available!

Maaike Beenes, co-author, writes —

This report, produced by PAX, a member of the Nobel Peace Prize winning International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear weapons (ICAN) is the only report detailing the global investments by financial institutions in companies producing nuclear weapons.

$525 Billion invested

329 investors made $525 Billion available to nuclear weapon producing companies between January 2014 and October 2017. They assisted with share and bond issuances, owned or managed shares and bonds or outstanding loans or made credit facilities. This is a decrease in the number of investors, but an $81 billion increase in the total amount invested. Find out who invests.

Most investors are from the US, and US$110 billion came from just 3 US financial institutions: Blackrock, Vanguard and Capital Group, all from the United States.

ICAN executive director Beatrice Fihn: “If you have been wondering who benefits from Donald Trump’s threats of nuclear war, this report has that answer. These are the companies that stand to profit from indiscriminate mass murder of civilians. We grow less safe while they cash in on chaos by banking on Armageddon.”

Author of the report Susi Snyder: “The Nuclear Ban Treaty has sparked momentum towards divestment, shown by 10% fewer investors in nuclear weapon producers, and an increase in financial institutions comprehensively prohibiting any investment. Investments are not neutral, these companies should be congratulated for standing on the side of humanity.”

Access the full report here