celebrate 50 years of FoE!

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the creation of the first Friends of the Earth group in Australia, one at Adelaide University in 1972.

Next week is Sustainability Week at Adelaide Uni, so with the help of the students there, we’re talking about the early days of FoE in the Unibar  — entry from the Cloisters, level 2 (ground level) —  from 7pm Monday, August 22nd.

We invite Friends to join us for nibbles from 6:30pm. We’ll start the programme at 7pm.

7pm: Introduction and Welcome

then Early days at Adelaide Uni — slideshow by Roman Orszanski, followed by discussion.

7:30 Paul Downton via Zoom talking about a fragment of EcoCity at Christie Walk

8pm Jim Green talking about Chain Reaction and various Anti Nuclear campaigns

8:30 Film about the Barngarla traditional owners fight against the Nuclear waste dump