“Heading for Extinction”

A talk by Deb King about the urgency of climate change action
and how it might be tackled. Come along and hear about

6 – 8pm April 8th at the Box Factory,
in the Hurtle Room

all welcome
Come along and find out what you can do
in the fight against climate change.

Please book a ticket so we can plan for numbers attending


Labor plans for electric vehicles

The Australian Labor Party has unveiled its first electric vehicle policy, setting a 50 per cent target for EVs as a share of new passenger vehicle sales by 2030, and for government fleets by 2025.

The Labor policy, unveiled at the start of a week that will include the federal budget and likely conclude with a confirmed date for a May election, is the first by either of a major party to address EVs, and will go some way to rectifying Australia’s laggard status in the uptake of EVS.

“Cleaner cars and transport aren’t just good for the environment – they are cheaper to run,” Labor said in its policy statement, which also accompanies confirmation of its 50 per cent renewable energy targets, its 45 per cent emissions reduction target, and a broadening of what is effectively a baseline and credit scheme.

— Giles Parkinson, RenewEconomy.com.au,

Rainforest illegally logged at Tonghi creek

Protected rainforest and rainforest buffers have been illegally logged by VicForests near Tonghi Creek in far East Gippsland.

Logging by VicForests in coupe 868-506-0009 “Granton Road” has impacted on rainforest in numerous locations a several hectares of forest that should have been protected in a rainforest buffer has been logged.

The breaches have been reported the breach to the regulator Department of Environment Land Water and Planning and written to the Office of Conservation Regulation.

Field inspections of VicForests logging coupe 868-506-0009 “Granton rd” identified protected warm temperate rainforest near the southern and western boundaries of the coupe. The rainforest has not been afforded the required minimum buffer protections and has been freshly impacted by logging.

Friends of the Earth member group Goongerah Environment Centre (GECO)’s report presents evidence of warm temperate rainforest stands within four areas of the coupe where field inspections were most intensively focussed. It is alleged logging in these areas has breached rainforest protections detailed in the Code of Practice for Timber Production and has not been conducted in accordance with the Sustainable Forests (Timber) Act 2014.

More details on FoE Australia site

10 Reasons to #ClimateStrike on March 15

Charlie Wood from TippingPoint writes

Hi folks,

The school strikers’ Global #ClimateStrike is at the end of this week and they
are asking for all of us to help them get out the word to make it HUGE.
See below their latest email invite (also on their facebook page here)
and please forward it to everyone you know.
Then find a strike near you here and share the facebook event with everyone.
Let’s all show these awesome young people how much
we admire their courage and inspiring action!
See you all on March 15!
With hope,

We’re striking from school on March 15 to call for all politicians to take urgent action to stop the climate crisis.

Here’s why you should JOIN US….

1. The climate crisis is hurting people now

And the people in power aren’t doing nearly enough to stop it.

2. The Government is telling us not to strike

Haven’t politicians learnt that telling young people what to do always backfires?!

3. It’s an awesome learning opportunity

Our politicians clearly aren’t listening to the educated, so we have to take to the streets to make them. Why should we learn about history and then not be allowed to make history? Activism is learning.

4. It’s going to be massive

Students in dozens of countries are joining. Our families and communities are coming. Unions are endorsing us.
Some businesses are even shutting for the day to be there.

5. A federal election is coming up

A federal election is coming in May. Australians are worried about climate change. This is our opportunity to show every politician that we’re gonna make sure climate change determines who governs Australia from now on.

6. Adani is pushing ahead with their mega coal mine & our politicians aren’t stopping them

Coal is the #1 cause of climate change yet our politicians aren’t stopping Adani opening up one of the largest untapped coal reserves on the planet.… Read more >>