20 years of community resistance against nuclear waste Sat Aug 19



An invitation from the No Dump Alliance

Dear nuclear-free friends,

You are invited to an event not to be missed!

‘We Say No!’ Saturday August 19, 2017 at 2pm
Waterside Workers Hall, Port Adelaide

Join us for courageous and inspiring stories of and from people on the front line, learn the history of community resistance and how together we can keep our state free from nuclear waste.

Local and interstate speakers will include:

  • Kylie Sambo, Muckaty campaign
  • Karina Lester, international waste dump campaign
  • The McKenzie sisters, national waste dump campaign
  • Nina Brown, Irati Wanti campaign

and speakers from the Kimba region.

Also on show will be some new and historical footage, highlights from the Talking Straight Out exhibition, and useful info to help us win this current fight.

Afterwards, please join us for a BBQ and some music in honour of the late Yami Lester.

Saturday, August 19, 2017 at 02:00 PM
Waterside Workers Hall in Port Adelaide, Australia

Hiroshima Day vigil Sun Aug 6

Join the Australian Red Cross SA IHL Collective to mark the 72nd anniversary of the detonation of an atomic bomb over Hiroshima, Japan. We invite the community to come together to remember the victims of this attack and to highlight the devastating humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons.

After the recent historic adoption of Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons Treaty, add your message of hope for a world free of nuclear weapons to our paper crane and lantern peace sign; listen to guest speakers and performers as we reflect on the need to continue to fight for an end to nuclear weapons.

For more information, email pball@redcross.org.au

Sun, August 6, 2017

2:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Elder Park, King William St

Details here

Stop the gasfields action: Sunday the 30th July 2017

from 12 o’clock to 1pm (arrive from 11.30am)
Venue: Parliament House

Support the people in the South East of South Australia and particularly,
Penola. Beach Energy has announced state-owned forestry land, 8 kms south
of Penola, as the site of the controversial Haselgrove 3 gas well.

This well on public land must be stopped. The drilling site is near the
boundary of the Coonawarra wine district and the new $80 million Union
Dairy Company processing plant.

We are calling on the SA government to stop the gas field exploration in the
SE of South Australia and to save our state for jobs in farming, tourism and
the wine industry. No food, no future. We say no to gas fields.

To see the effects of unconventional gas mining on land and people watch
Fractured Country an unconventional invasion. It is very worth watching and
only takes 40 mins (be informed while sipping a cup of coffee or tea with

No Dumps Election Strategy Meeting – Wed 26th July FoE

State Election Strategy Meeting – No Nuclear Waste Dump on Adnyamathanha Yarta

FoE Members & interested allies are invited to come to the community room at Christie Walk on Wednesday 26th July at 5pm to discuss strategy in the lead up to the next State election.

The Second Citizen’s Jury into the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission’s Report demonstrated there is widespread support for Indigenous sovereignty and against the expansion of permissions at state level for activities relating to nuclear industry activity in South Australia.

“We won that battle but the fight isn’t over yet.” The Federal Government is targeting three sites in SA to become the national nuclear waste dump. These plans have been on foot for quite sometime. In 2004, South Australians won a 6-year fight against the same proposal. This produced the SA Nuclear Waste Storage (Prohibition) Act 2000 (SA) which aims to “protect the health, safety and welfare of the people of South Australia and to protect the environment in which they live by prohibiting the establishment of certain nuclear waste storage facilities in this State.”

The current Federal Government has demonstrated that they are not interested in community consultation, and we need to get current & aspiring state politicians to understand that this is a critical issue for all people in South Australia. The nuclear industry is not winding-down and in the last few days[*], it has been announced that we have commenced exports of uranium to India. Although the agreement to supply uranium was signed in 2014, it was first reported in the media about twelve months later. We need to continue to be pro-active in our opposition to all things nuclear, and ensure that waste storage never gets a foot in the door.

[*] http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-07-19/australia-quietly-makes-first-uranium-shipment-to-india/8722108



`In war, everything is simple, and everything simple is hard.’ This strategy gem from the Prussian staff officer and military thinker embodies his principle of decision making under pressure called `friction.’ The coinage reflected his fascination with contemporary 19th century physics, part and parcel of his attempt to discuss Napoleonic era military experience at the highest Hegelian dialectical philosophical level. Strategic principles are transferable from war to politics. So next time you are frustrated in a meeting with friends and comrades, heave a sigh and reflect that friction is a normal part of arriving at consensus.