Marx’s Ecology

Book review: Marx’s Ecology: materialism & natureJohn Bellamy Foster, Monthly Review Press, New York 2000

This is the book for any `Greenie’ who wants to understand the ecological, political and socioeconomic implications of the far famed doyen of Socialist thought. As such it works both as an introduction to the German philosopher’s work and an application of it to the ecological dilemma facing our capitalist society.

Marx based his dynamic theory of historical relationships on ancient Graeco-roman Epicurean materialist thinking. This enabled him to focus on both socioeconomic questions and the human relationship with nature so disturbed by capitalist development.

Even in the 19th century of our present common historical era, Marx addressed ecological issues entailed by the relentless search for ever more profit, which subordinated even then natural imperatives to economic obsessions. In fact in his later years, having left his multivolume magnum opus Capital somewhat incomplete, he devoted himself to study of capitalist agriculture and the degrading effect he considered it to have on the soil.

Overall Marx thought that our era would end in Socialism or barbarism, namely the socioeconomic and ecological collapse we are in fact facing. Green approaches to the challenge of our times can only profit from measurement with the Marxist opus, because it is doubtful politically that mass insecurity will render the public susceptible to the Green message unless the social and economic concerns of the majority are adequately addressed.

Film night: “Protecting Country” from uranium mining & nuclear waste dumps – Thurs 20 July

This Thursday night 20 July the film ‘ Protecting Country’ will be screened at the Joinery at 7.30pm, 111 Franklin St Adelaide

Come along and spread the word!

From the film makers:
Alexander Hayes & Magali McDuffie from Ngikalikarra Media are bringing the ‘Protecting Country’ 35 minute documentary film to the Joinery, 111 Franklin St, Adelaide SA 5000. The film features many well known Aboriginal Elders and leaders from South Australia who provide their account of how important it is for all Australian’s to protect country from past, present and planned uranium mining and nuclear dump activities.

Contributors featuring in this film include Karina Lester, Bruce Hammond, Regina McKenzie, Tauto Sansbury, Vince Coulthard, Sharpie Coulthard, Ty Butler, James Butler, Clarrie Coulthard, Stephen Atkinson and Steven Harrison.

fb event HERE.

*Gold Coin Donation*

Attack on Environment groups

Cam Walker, FoE Australia writes:

The environment movement is under attack (again) and we need your help to see off the Federal government’s latest attempt to limit our work.

The long-running campaign kicked off by the Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) and enthusiastically endorsed by conservative MPs, the right-wing media, and coal industry, is seeking to strip environmental groups of their tax deductible donation status that was. (Read history of the attacks here)

Tax deductible donations make up more than 90 percent of FoE Australia’s income.

If the government finally succeeds in removing our DGR status, it will be the end of Friends of the Earth in its current form. This will be equally true for any environmental group which has staff and engages in advocacy and protest.

The Australian Treasury has announced a review of Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status organisations, with environmental groups selected for extra special attention.

Wrapped up in a fairly benign looking ‘review’ of the management of charities are some long running items from the conservative’s agenda, in particular:

  • To limit the advocacy of environmental groups by forcing them to spend up 50 percent of their income on tree planting etc, and,
  • To ‘sanction’ or remove the tax status of groups that ‘promote’ illegal activity – and by this they mean protesting. There is even a bizarre recommendation that groups be punished even if ‘people not connected formally with organisation’ are engaged with illegal action like being arrested at a protest.

The right wing has tried this several times and each time with YOUR support we have staved off these ideologically driven attacks.

Environmentalism is much more than just planting trees — especially in the age of climate change and with the widely held understanding that our economic system that is driving the ecological destruction. 

This threat is an acknowledgement that advocacy and protest WORKS and that the work we are doing threatens the Right wing and their fossil fuel interests.

Feds Going After Our Tax Status: Act Now!

You have probably heard that the federal gov is having another go at the tax status of green groups, including FoE Australia. This time through a discussion paper from Treasury. A number of the nasty recommendations from the House of Reps inquiry are included in this.
It would be great if individual people could send a submission (template here: )
If you have allies in ANY other organisations please ask them to write a submission – unions, churches, aid groups, welfare orgs, footy clubs, etc etc. We really need maximum numbers of submissions on this one. And if you have any prominent allies please tell them about this risk.

This is probably the Coalition’s last chance to damage green groups before the next election so we have to expect they will pursue it vigorously. We need a major mobilisation to defeat it.

There is background info available here: need to be in by July 14.

AGM election results

We had a well-attended AGM, and elected a number of knowledgeable and talented people to our Admin/Strategy collective.

In particular, we have a new Convenor, Susie Ruthenbeck; a new Secretary, David Faber; and an experienced treasurer, Richard Smith.
There was considerable discussion at the first meeting of this year about the anti-nuclear campaign against the National Dump; the push to speed up a just Energy transition to renewables; and what we might do for the coming state election. More details soon…