Adelaide FoE AGM June 22nd, 6pm at Box Factory
Please add the AGM details to your diary. We failed to get a quorum a month ago, so we’re having another try.
If you’re a current member, please come along. (If you want to join Adelaide FoE, you can do so using the membership form.)
If you’re a member of Friends of the Earth Adelaide, and can’t make the meeting, please consider sending a proxy to vote for you (they count towards the quorum!).
You can always ask Roman or Richard to take your proxy. Note that nominations and proxy forms should be received (either via email or at the Joinery, 111 Franklin St) at least 48 hours before the AGM, else their acceptance is at the whim of the AGM
Nomination forms on the website: Nominations2017 Proxy Forms on the website: AGM Proxy 2017