Trans-Pacific Partnership rejected by the Senate in their inquiry report

We have had some good news from the Senate Inquiry into the Trans-Pacific Partnership. AFTINET (Australian Fair Trade & Investment Network Inc) have been campaigning against the TPP for years. You can join up to receive AFTINET updates here:

Friends of the Earth Australia is a member of AFTINET.

The AFTINET website reports:

“One of our big campaign wins last year was getting a Senate inquiry into the TPP.

“The report has now been released and it’s another victory for fair trade. In it, Labor said the failed TPP’s implementing legislation should be deferred, since the US’ withdrawal killed the deal. The Greens and the Nick Xenophon team have consistently rejected the TPP.

“This means that the Government cannot pass the TPP legislation, because Labor, the Greens and Nick Xenophon team have a majority in the Senate.

“The report also reflected many of our criticisms of the TPP.

“This is another victory in our seven-year campaign, and will help to ensure that the TPP is not used as a bad model for future trade agreements like the RCEP.

“You can read more in our media release.


Flinders Local Action Group update February 2017

Flinder Local Action Group met in Hawker on the weekend for the latest campaign meeting against a nuclear dump near Hawker. Lots of activities are planned for the near future as the campaign continues for most of this year until the federal government makes their final decision.

Friends of the Earth Adelaide have financially given support to FLAG, and FOE members have attended meetings in Quorn and Pt Augusta, and a rally in Pt Augusta. If you would like to donate to FLAG or have an idea for fundraising please contact

Please “like” FLAG’s Facebook Page

Photo Credit: Cat Beaton

National nuclear strategy meeting in Melbourne 10-11 February

All campaigners are welcome to attend the national nuclear strategy meeting in Melbourne on Friday 10 and Saturday 11 February.

South Australian representatives are attending including Adnyamathanha women campaigning against the national nuclear waste dump proposal for the Flinders Ranges. Friends of the Earth Adelaide have contributed to the travel expenses of one of the women.

The meeting will cover campaigning around all aspects of the nuclear chain and nuclear weapons proliferation, with a focus on future actions.

For more information please contact

Nuclear Power: Game Over

“Nuclear power is a clunky technology borne out of a bygone Cold War era. Its best days are over and it cannot form a key part of sustainable energy policy.”




Professor Derek Abbott, our guest speaker,
is a physicist and electrical engineer based at the University of Adelaide.
He’s written many articles about the long-term future for energy production.

He gave a  talk, based on the article in the current Australian Quarterly,
in which he outlines why Nuclear Power is in decline.

You can view the
Slides from the talk (a 24.6MB PDF file) or read the article online