FoE appears before House of Reps

Cam Walker, from FoE Australia, reports:

We had our ‘day in court’ yesterday [Sept 21], appearing at the House of Reps hearing into green groups.

We had a solid and well prepared team at the table: Sam Castro, Julien Vincent, Nicola Paris and myself.

We had a fantastic support team, who helped us prepare (thanks to Ben Courtice for the research, Andrew Laird for channeling his inner George Christensen and grilling us with lots of hard questions, Leigh for media strategy, Phil for great images, and many people like Lou Sales and John Glue, who commented on drafts of our presentation).

And lots of people turned up at the hearing to support us.

Then we had the ‘defend the defenders’ rally outside the hearings, which had an awesome turnout. We had a great presence at that – nice visuals from yes 2 renewables, and Phil even handing out membership forms!

Pics here:

I think we presented really well, we mostly controlled the frame of the debate and questions, and they got no ammo to use against us. Strangely, the arch nasty, George Christensen delivered a very lacklustre performance. The many months spent on responding to ATO and Dept investigations paid off, as we were able to remind the committee we have been investigated 3 times, and been found to be compliant each time.

There’s a bit of commentary here:

Its certainly not over, but we are past a watershed moment in the government’s campaign against the movement. Thanks everyone, we pulled together and done good.


Cam Walker,

Campaigns Coordinator

Seed Freedom Food Festival Saturday 26 September

Come see us on the FOE stall at the Seed Freedom Food Festival this Saturday 26 September at the Market Shed, Holland St, City.

Seed Freedom Food Festival poster 2015


Dr. Vandana Shiva (video address) Seed Freedom

Jude Fanton – The Seed Savers’ Network

Lolo Houbein – ‘One Magic Square’ author Q&A

Remedy Bliss – Raw & Fermented Foods Instructor

Neville Bonney – Knowing, Growing Eating Native Foods & Native Seed Collection

Karen Montgomery Kspace – Wicking Beds

Nadja Osterstock – Nadja’s Garden

Nat Wiseman – Village Greens of Willunga Creek

Sandra Ullrich – Adelaide Bee Sanctuary

Jenny Deans – Native Bees

Denise Jarrett – Permaculture and Bush Tucker

Niko Jah – Subtropical Fruit tree Propagation

Simon Ardill – Sustainable Fruit Tree pruning

Tori Arbon Tori MoretonMagic Harvest program

Steven HoffnaEarthRight Composting/Wormfarms

Joe Kielnerowski – Joe’s Connected Garden

Deb Cantrill – Nirvana Organic Farm

Peter Croft – Food Security Strategies

Alistair MartinRipeNear.Me


Nuclear Politics in the Pub Wed 16th September

The NUKE FREE SA COALITION invite you to attend:

Nuclear politics in the pub – Part1

Royal Commission submission session

The submissions are in, but what did people say? Come and hear a range of authors and contributors share in brief (5 mins!) the key point of their submissions, on a range of economic, cultural and environmental issues.

6.00pm – 8.30pm Wednesday 16 SEPTEMBER, 2015 Upstairs @ The Gov, Port Road, Hindmarsh.

Speakers include:

  • Chris Hannaford, Prospect Local Environment Group
  • Karina Lester, YNTAC Chairperson
  • Rose Lester, from Walatina and committee member of the Australian Nuclear Free Alliance
  • Tauto Sansbury, SA Congress
  • Cr Michelle Hogan, Port Adelaide Enfield Council
  • Dr Philip White, Friends of the Earth Adelaide
  • Dr Jim Green, Friends of the Earth Australia (via Skype)
  • Mark Parnell MLC, South Australia Greens
  • Melissa Ballantyne, Environmental Defenders Office SA
  • Philippa Rowland, Re-power South Australia

Check out the fb event HERE

RSVP via eventbrite HERE – this help us with catering or just rock up!

While submissions are closed for the Royal Commission into the Nuclear Fuel Chain, the discussion is just getting started!

Special screening of short film ‘ Homelands’ with Bobby Brown .

Free event * Light snacks provided. * Drinks at bar prices

Hosted by the SA nuke free coalition – for more information call: Nectaria on: 0432 388 665 or Robyn on: 0423 219 096 or email

Friends of the Earth Adelaide is a member group of the Nuke Free SA coalition.  We meet monthly in the city, all welcome.