Invitation to Renewables Yes / Nuclear No

Screen Shot 2015-04-26 at 10.33.00 pmAt the Maritime Union SA Branch 14 May at 7pm

65 St Vincent St Port Adelaide

Hosted by Nuclear Operations Watch Port Adelaide NOWPA and Friends of the Earth Adelaide.

Experts speak about uranium mining, nuclear power and radioactive waste dumps. How the nuclear industry can impact health, community and environment and why people are calling for a renewable not radioactive SA.

Speakers include:

Dave Sweeney, Australian Conservation Foundation

Dr Margaret Beavis, Public Health Association of Australia / Medical Association for Medical Association for the Prevention of War (MAPW)

Philippa Rowland, Repower Port Augusta Alliance

Special Q&A with Dr Jim Green, Friends of the Earth Australia and Fukushima update with Dr Philip White , Friends of the Earth Adelaide.

Facebook invite