Clean Futures

Report back from the nuclear free picnic and March in March Rally

A great time was had by all on the banks of the Torrens at Bonython Park for our sushi picnic and poetry slam to honour the fourth anniversary since the ongoing Fukushima disaster started in Japan.   Friends of the Earth’s Dr Philip White spoke about Fukushima and his experience with the nuclear industry in Japan.

Here’s a picnic pic of the Conservation Councils excellent banner SA: RENEWABLE NOT RADIOACTIVE

picnic banner march 2015

and a few from the March in March rally and parade which Friends’ of the Earth Adelaide helped organise.

waste barrels on bike trailer

Vic Square Renewables Not Radioactive banner Marcy 2015

barrel and rad suits parliamnt house

Foe Submission to the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission Terms of Reference

SA Premier Jay Weatherill recently announced a Royal Commission into the nuclear fuel cycle and gave the public one week to make submissions into the terms of reference.

He says he is motivated by concerns over climate change and the state of SA’s economy.

The royal commission will look at uranium enrichment, nuclear power and a nuclear waste dump. Environment groups are calling for it to include issues with existing uranium mining, legacy waste sites, export markets and weapons proliferation as well as a close examination of the impact of a proposed dump on remote communities. We also call for a full economic analysis of nuclear power in relation to renewables.

A group of people who want to work together over the next year of the royal commission is forming. Meetings will be hosted by the Conservation Council at their new HQ 111 Franklin St Adelaide (the old bus station, next to the new bus station).  The group is currently meeting on Tuesdays, please contact Robyn for more information

FoE Adl submission to Nuclear Royal Commission terms of reference

Fri Feb 13th – Break up with Fossil Fuels in the Mall! 11am

On February 13 Adelaide is joining the global movement to divest from fossil fuels. We invite you to join us in the Rundle Mall to learn about the divestment movement and take action against dangerous climate change.

Hear from speakers and take part in this global event as we travel from the West to the East side of Rundle Mall.

Please wear ORANGE and lots of it 🙂

Together, we will show that we are a truly global and growing force to be reckoned with. As the fossil fuel industry throws more money at fossil fuel expansion, we will turn up the volume of our divestment movement. And we won’t stop until we win.

Organised by and the Conservation Council of SA

For more information see our Facebook event or contact Robyn

Radioactive Exposure Tour June 27 -July 8th 2015

The Radioactive Exposure Tour is a journey through Australia’s nuclear landscape. The Tour has exposed thousands of people to the realities of ‘radioactive racism’ and the environmental and social impacts of uranium mining, radioactive waste and nuclear expansion.

Run by Friends of the Earth, this year’s Tour will take place from Saturday June 27 to Wednesday July 8, 2015.

In 2014 we visited Muckaty Traditional Owners in the Northern Territory before their historic win, stopping a radioactive waste dump on their land. This year, we’re travelling to NSW in light of recent uranium exploration, and continuing on to South Australia.