
FoE at ‘Making Solar Thermal Happen’ forum 5th August

Join FoE members at our stall at the Making Solar Thermal Happen forum:

Tuesday 5th August 6pm

Allan Scott Auditorium (H2-16), Hawke Building, City West Campus, University of South Australia (55 North Tce Adelaide)

Join the Repower Port Augusta Alliance for an evening discussing why and how we can make solar thermal happen in South Australia. With Dr Keith Lovegrove, solar thermal expert, Climate Change Institute at ANU (Canberra); Dr. Peter Burdon, Senior Lecturer at the Adelaide Law School and members of the Port Augusta campaign group.

CLEAN Climate Emergency Network

Entry by donation

Facebook RSVP

solar thermal photo

FoE at Students of Sustainability next week

Fair Food Adelaide’s Kim Hill is delivering two workshops at next week’s Students of Sustainability conference at Flinders University – “The End of Agriculture” on Thursday 10th and “Edible Weed Walk” on Satuday 11th. Clean Future Collective’s Dr Philip Smith is delivering a nuke free workshop on Friday with FoE Australia’s Dr Jim Green.

Come and say hi at our FOE stall on Saturday – incorporating Fair Food Adelaide, March Against Monsanto and the Clean Futures Collective with a focus on the nuclear royal commission.

Details here.

students of sustainability pic

The Pope weighs in on climate change

Last Thursday, Pope Francis issued an encyclical on our place in the environment.He had some interesting things to say on energy:

“We know that technology based on the use of highly polluting fossil fuels – especially coal, but also oil and, to a lesser degree, gas — needs to be progressively replaced without delay.”

 “There is an urgent need to develop policies so that, in the next few years, the emission of carbon dioxide and other highly polluting gases can be drastically reduced, for example, substituting for fossil fuels and developing sources of renewable energy. There is still a need to develop adequate storage technologies.”

There’s a nice article in RenewEconomy, “The Pope is an Energy wonk”

The encyclical itself is an interesting and poetic read, even in the english translation.

Introducing our new CANE campaigner!

We are very pleased to announce that Nectaria Calan has accepted the position of Anti-Nuclear/Pro-Renewables Campaigner with the Clean Futures Collective’s Campaign Against Nuclear Expansion.
Nectaria will work with us on a part time basis over the next six months. She holds a Bachelor of International Studies (Honours) and has previously worked with us as an Anti-Nuclear Coordinator. She brings strong skills and experience in grass roots activism and media.
Nectaria is passionate about environmental issues, and strongly believes that the social and environmental problems the nuclear industry creates far outweigh those it purports to solve.  She was an organiser and spokesperson for the Lizards Revenge event, a week long protest-festival held at the gates of the Olympic Dam mine in July 2012 to raise awareness and protest the mine, its expansion, and the broader impacts of uranium.
Nectaria’s responsibilities will include:
  • – tracking activities of the SA Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission
  • – coordinating FoE responses to the Royal Commission
  • – providing the initial point-of-contact for media
  • – encouraging volunteers to join FoE CFC campaign
  • – coordinating volunteer activities
  • – liaising with other groups working on related issues
Members, donors and friends can keep up with the CANE campaign by signing up to our elist to receive meeting minutes – email