
Making Solar Thermal Happen 5th August

solar thermal photo

Tuesday 5th August 6pm

Allan Scott Auditorium (H2-16), Hawke Building, City West Campus, University of South Australia (55 North Tce Adelaide)

Join the Repower Port Augusta Alliance for an evening discussing why and how we can make solar thermal happen in South Australia. With Dr Keith Lovegrove, solar thermal expert, Climate Change Institute at ANU (Canberra); Dr. Peter Burdon, Senior Lecturer at the Adelaide Law School and members of the Port Augusta campaign group.

CLEAN Climate Emergency Network

Entry by donation

Facebook RSVP

Mark Diesendorf 100% Renewable for SA 16 June

You are invited to join the Conservation Council SA ‘In Conversation with Dr Mark Diesendorf’ to discuss 100% renewable electricity for South Australia.

16 June 111 Franklin St Adelaide at 6pm

Dr Mark Diesendorf presents his newest report showing that South Australia could produce 100% of its electricity from renewable sources. This will be a critical conversation to inform submissions to the SA’s Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission. Come along, get inspired and learn what we need to do to make it happen!

About Mark Diesendorf:

Associate Professor Mark Diesendorf is Deputy Director of the Institute of Environmental Studies, UNSW. He teaches, researches and consults in the interdisciplinary fields of sustainable energy, energy policy, sustainable urban transport, theory of sustainability, and ecological economics.

Free Tickets RSVP: here

Enquiries: Cat Beaton

(08) 8223 5155

SA network wants solar homes to pay $100/year more for grid

SA Power Networks (SAPN), which operates the poles and wires that deliver electricity to homes and businesses throughout the state, and is owned by ASX-listed Spark Infrastructure, says all consumers will receive price reductions in the coming year on their network costs.

But while most households will receive a discount of $188 a year on their network costs, and “vulnerable” homes a saving of $388 a year, the 175,000 solar households in the state will only receive a discount of $88 a year.

SAPN justifies this by saying that solar households still need as much power from the network at peak times as other users, even if they use less electricity from the grid during the day when the sun shines.

Attempts to penalize solar households have been already rebuffed in QLD and WA; it would be a shame if SA allowed this discrimination.

Nigel Morris of Slar Business systems outlines why this is misdirected in an article in the Climate Spectator.

Solar Citizens have initiated a petition to stop the discrimination against solar panel owners.

Solar Citizens is an independent community based organisation bringing together millions of solar owners and supporters to protect and grow solar in Australia.Since starting in May 2013, Solar Citizens has grown to over 60,000 supporters around the country, representing the more that 5 million solar owners in Australia and the millions more who wish to go solar.

Farmlands not Gaslands film screening April 30

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You are warmly invited to the film screening of “Farmland not Gaslands” at the Conservation Council on Thursday April 30.

‘Farmland not Gaslands’ is a moving short film about communities, ranging from Western Victoria to Gippsland, who are threatened by the activities of mining companies, but refuse to sit down and say nothing about it.’ A film by Pennie Brown.

Today South Australian faces fracking, shale and tight gas extraction. Come and hear from interstate and local speakers about this extractive process.

Speakers include:

Cam Walker, Friends of the Earth Australia (Melbourne)

Anne Daw, Limestone Coast Protection Alliance

Professor Irene Watson, School of Law, University of SA

Entry by gold coin donation.

Organised by:

Friends of the Earth Adelaide

Limestone Coast Protection Alliance

and the Conservation Council SA.

FoE Submission to the Terms of Reference of the Nuclear Energy Cycle Royal Commission

The SA government is holding a Royal Commission into the nuclear fuel cycle.

On the cards is examining uranium enrichment, nuclear power and a nuclear power dump.

Our Premier Jay Weatherill says he used to be anti-nuclear but now he has an open mind as he is concerned about climate change and our state’s economy.

Friends of the Earth Adelaide joined many groups and individuals in making a submission to the Terms of Reference of the Royal Commission – please see the link.

The Conservation Council of SA is hosting community members who wish to work on the Royal Commission over the next year on Tuesdays in their new HQ at 111 Franklin St Adelaide – contact Robyn for more information