
Submission to the Senate Inquiry into Wind energy

The Senate is having yet another inquiry into wind farm energy.

Friend’s of the Earth Adelaide made a submission as its important to show there is support for renewables.  Here is a copy of our submission.

Wind Energy Senate Enquiry Submission by Friends of the Earth Adelaide 22.3.15



Students of Sustainability Conference July 8-12 Flinders University

The national Students of Sustainability conference is on again and this time in Adelaide at Flinders University 8-12 July!  Friends of the Earth just might have a surprise….

students of sustainability pic


Students of Sustainability (SoS) is the largest and longest running environmental & social justice conference in Australia and this year the conference will be in South Australia at Flinders University on Kaurna Country.

SoS is organised by students from the Australian Student Environment Network (ASEN) and brings together environmentalists, social justice advocates and activists from all over the country to share ideas and action.

The five day conference will explore how we can act on environment and social justice issues and find solutions for change. A variety of workshops, forums, plenaries, excursions and plenty of entertainment will fill the program, plus all of your meals and on-campus camping are covered in the ticket price.

The broad spectrum of experiences, diverse people and activities involved, makes SoS a crucible for sharing ideas, visions, designs and goals on how to make positive change. If this sounds like your kind of scene, come and join academics, entrepreneurs, Aboriginal elders & delegates, change-makers, campaigners and students who are working together for people and planet.

REGISTER NOW at and take advantage of early bird ticket offers.

If you have any questions you can also ask them in the Facebook event page.

See you there! Robyn Wood

Report back from the nuclear free picnic and March in March Rally

A great time was had by all on the banks of the Torrens at Bonython Park for our sushi picnic and poetry slam to honour the fourth anniversary since the ongoing Fukushima disaster started in Japan.   Friends of the Earth’s Dr Philip White spoke about Fukushima and his experience with the nuclear industry in Japan.

Here’s a picnic pic of the Conservation Councils excellent banner SA: RENEWABLE NOT RADIOACTIVE

picnic banner march 2015

and a few from the March in March rally and parade which Friends’ of the Earth Adelaide helped organise.

waste barrels on bike trailer

Vic Square Renewables Not Radioactive banner Marcy 2015

barrel and rad suits parliamnt house

Plant a seed or tree on Earth Day Wed April 22nd

Please join in Earth Day celebrations by planting a seed, seedling or tree on Earth Day Wed April 22.

An international Facebook event page has been set up.


Be a part of the biggest grass-root effort in history by planting a seed/tree as a “give back” to Earth.

earth day plant seed

It’s an old Native American tradition that when you take something from the Earth, you must put something back. Earth Day 2015 will be a global “give back to Earth” event, as an “offering” for all the planet gives us. Our goal is to plant one billion seeds/trees. Please plant something that is organic, perennial and suitable to the growing conditions in your area. If the temperature is not conducive to planting on April 22nd, please start growing a plant indoors or commit to planting your tree once the outdoor temperature is warm enough. If you live in an apartment, please plant something in a container or donate a tree to a garden in your area. Please nurture your plantings, like children, until they can sustain themselves on their own.

It is important to keep a certain portion of the planet covered with forests as it is essential for regulating the distribution of rain and snow over the surface, thus, controlling the climate. Every tree planted will assist in stabilizing the climate and provide habitat for various species.


We need your assistance in contacting local organizations, business establishments, schools/universities in your area to get them involved. There is a group page on Facebook for the planning of the event. Feel free to join and offer whatever assistance you can. Everyone is welcome…All ideas are welcome.

We can no longer wait for something outside of us to create change.… Read more >>

Environment groups send open letter to PM: Protect the RET

The federal government continues to try and destroy the renewable Energy Target. So far the ALP has refused to do a deal to reduce the current RET, and the Greens firmly oppose any deal. It’s vital that the community remind the PM that there is overwhelming support for renewable energy, and that most people want more, not less renewables. Recent polling on the RET shows that more than 88% of Australians would like to see the Renewable Energy Target either increase or remain at the current level of 41,000 GWh.

This morning we have joined with 22 other groups to urge the PM to keep the RET at the current target of 41,000 Gwh. Check here for the letter.

Please add your voice

1/ Please cut and paste the letter below to the Prime Minister (please feel free to personalise it and add extra information) and send it to the PM via his website.

2/ Post it on the PM’s facebook page

3/ Send him a message by Twitter. Eg:

PM @TonyAbbottMHR I support renewable energy for climate action, jobs, investment. No cut to the Renewable Energy target