
‘Junk agroecology’: How corporations are co-opting peoples’ solutions to the food crisis

FoE International reports:

A new report launched October 13th exposes how agribusiness corporations like Nestle, Cargill, Unilever and Pepsico, together with the World Economic Forum, are using public private ‘sustainable agriculture’ initiatives to promote an environmentally and socially destructive model of food production, while undermining genuinely sustainable food systems and their democratic governance. With the backing of some high profile conservation NGOs, global agribusiness giants are using these initiatives to co-opt and weaken concepts of ‘sustainability’ and ‘agroecology’, allowing them to pursue a corporate profit-driven agenda and shape global public food policy in their interest.

Junk Agroecology: The corporate capture of agroecology for a partial ecological transition without social justice” examines three high profile public-private initiatives:

  • “Sustainable Agriculture Initiative” (SAI);
  • “New Vision for Agriculture” (NVA);
  • “New Food and Land Use Economy Coalition” (FOLU).

It is published during a UN Committee on World Food Security virtual meeting in which world leaders are discussing how to transform global food systems and tackle the devastating impacts of COVID-19.(1)

“Under the umbrella of public-private initiatives such as SAI, NVA and FOLU, global agrifood corporations are attempting to portray themselves as holding the solutions to problems they played a key role in creating. Their ‘junk agroecology’ allows them to continue profiting without addressing the socio-economic, political and ecological injustices on which the agrifood system is based, or the exclusionary and short-sighted ideology that legitimises it.”
— Katie Sandwell from the Transnational Institute (TNI).

More details at FoE International

Adelaide FoE meeting this Thursday at 6pm

David Noonan is our guest speaker at this meeting, talking about matters nuclear: the waste dump and Olympic dam mine.

BHP now faces a $6.3 billion (US dollars) law-suit in the UK on behalf of 200,000 Brazilian people. The case alleges the Anglo-Australian mining giant BHP was “woefully negligent” in the run-up to the 2015 dam failure that led to Brazil’s worst environmental disaster.

Mayors of two towns wiped out by the Samarco disaster assert that BHP has been using delaying tactics to avoid paying compensation to thousands of people affected by the flood of tailings waste.

There have long been calls from environmentalists and others for Australian mining companies to be required to apply Australian standards to their overseas mining operations. The logic is sound given the often inadequate practices of Australian mining companies overseas.

But the logic is also a little shaky given that mining standards in Australia leave much room for improvement. Olympic Dam is a case in point.

BHP orchestrated approval in 2019 for a massive new tailings dam at Olympic Dam ? Tailings Storage Facility 6 (TSF6). This tailings dam is to be built in the same risky ‘upstream’ design that featured in both the Samarco disaster and the January 2019 Vale Brumadinho tailings dam disaster that killed over 250 people – mainly mine workers ? in Brazil.
— “BHP betrays international safety efforts” by Dr Jim Green and David Noonan, in The Ecologist

Zoom details: FoE Adelaide meeting
Time: Thursday, Oct 29, 2020 6:00pm Adelaide
Part One: Guest Speaker David Noonan, talking about Nukes — Oct 29, 2020 6:00pm Adelaide time
<tea break> 6:40-6:50
Part Two: Oct 29, 2020 6:50pm More discussion with David,
followed by details of the Transforming SA document,
and a discussion of FoE Adelaide activities.

Come along! It’ll be good to see you.


Do you want to help?

We’ve noted a few tasks with which we’d like some help from members.

Specifically, we’re looking for people who can contribute their time and knowledge to the following:

  • Drafting an SA version of transforming VIc
    — there are sections on food, transport, energy etc which need local examples of action in SA added
  • Writing content for the Adelaide FoE website
  • Looking after our facebook page and responding to queries
  • Preparing leaflets/banners for upcoming events

We will discuss this further in part two of the online meeting Oct 29th, or you can contact the secretary at

Smart Energy Summit 2020 worth watching

Global Smart Energy Summit 2020 Event Summary

On Tuesday 29 and Wednesday 30 September 2020 the Smart Energy Council and partners the Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation and Zoom delivered an amazing lineup of international and local industry and political leaders in exploring ways to tackle the economic and climate crises simultaneously.

some of the stand out speeches from both days include:

More details at


Adelaide FoE Meeting Oct 29th, Online

We invite members and friends to join us for an online Zoom meeting at 6pm Thursday, October 29th.

David Noonan, Independent Environment Campaigner, joins us to talk about Nuclear mines and Waste Dumps


Zoom details:  FoE Adelaide meeting
Time: Oct 29, 2020 06:00 PM Adelaide
Part One: Guest Speaker David Noonan, talking about Nukes — Oct 29, 2020 6:00pm Adelaide time
<tea break: 6:40-6:50>
Part Two: Oct 29, 2020 6:50pm More discussion with David,
followed by details of the Transforming SA document,
and a discussion of FoE Adelaide activities.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 753 7812 3953
Passcode: 0gBQn1