from Sara Shaw Climate Justice & Energy International Programme Co-coordinator, FoE International:
The week of 20-27 September saw the biggest global mobilisation to highlight the climate emergency in history with over 7 million people participating in global climate strikes and actions! Friends of the Earth groups around the world were part of this movement – supporting youth and calling for climate justice for those on the front lines of climate change, dirty energy and false solutions. Here is our round up of how you all took part.
In APAC, FoE groups joined the strikes in Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Australia, Timor-Leste, South Korea, Philippines, Bangladesh, Japan and Indonesia. FoE Malaysia put together a fabulous round up of photos from around the APAC region.
Europe saw some of the biggest climate mobilisations ever! 1.4 million people in Germany alone. FoEE did a fabulous round up blog, and a flickr album. Here are some of the climate strikes and actions FoE and Young FoEE groups joined across Europe:England, Scotland, Wales, Germany, Cyprus, Belgium, Spain, Denmark, Hungary, Malta, the Netherlands, Russia, Austria, Macedonia, Sweden, Croatia, Bosnia.
Africa saw actions across the continent with FoE groups participating in Nigeria, South Africa, Ghana, Tanzania and Togo. FoE Togo organised an inspiring football match action with local children. Young activists from Mozambique took part in the strikes in the UK and spoke powerfully on climate justice.
FoE Africa also participated in the UN Secretary General Climate Action Summit in New York. On 20 September over 300,000 people mobilized ahead of this Summit. Philip Jakpor from Environmental Rights Action/FoE Nigeria and Sostine Namanya from NAPE/FoE Uganda were in New York for FoEI and part of themobilisation.… Read more >>