
“Don’t Nuke the Climate” bloc at the People’s Climate Rally Nov 29th

Screen Shot 2015-11-25 at 1.39.38 PMOn November 29th, will you help create the biggest climate march the world has ever seen?

As world leaders gather in Paris to discuss a global agreement on climate change, we will be part of an international movement- on Sunday November 29th.

Starting from the Torrens Parade Ground, we will march for a transition to renewable energy, secure job creation, and a fairer, more resilient economy, for clean air, a healthy environment, and for a safe climate in the People’s Jobs Justice Climate March.

In a vibrant, musical, and visually creative show of people power and the diversity of our movement, the march will take us down King William Street through the centre of Adelaide.

We will march in sector blocks, each making up a part of the collective, while demonstrating its unique qualities through banners, placards, costumes etc.

At Victoria Square/Tarndanyangga the march will blend into a festival, where there will be music, food, speeches, and stalls.

Join the anti-nuclear “Don’t Nuke the Climate” block and march behind our SA: RENEWABLE NOT RADIOACTIVE banner. Meet 10:30am Torrens Parade Ground on the day.

Contact Robyn Wood for more info 0423 219 096




Thursday 5th November, 2015



Today the Royal Commission into the Nuclear Fuel Cycle will be hearing oral evidence from London based insurance company Nuclear Risk Insurers, on the subject of insuring against a nuclear accident.  On 1st October 2015, Dr Timothy Stone, member of the Royal Commission’s Executive Advisory Committee, was appointed director of this company.

“How critically will evidence given by this company be treated, when a member of the Executive Advisory Committee is also one of its directors?” asked Nectaria Calan of Friends of the Earth Adelaide.

On Friday 30th October GE Hitachi gave oral evidence to the Royal Commission on their new PRISM reactor design.  GE Hitachi is a global nuclear alliance between General Electric (US) and Hitachi (Japan).  Hitachi is the parent company of Horizon Nuclear Power, a UK energy company developing new nuclear power stations, of which Dr Stone is also a director.

“Dr Stone’s connections with these companies highlights the broader issue here, which is his direct involvement in the nuclear industry, regardless of whether companies he’s employed by are giving evidence. He also owns Alpha-n Infrastructure, an elusive company with a partially built website which promotes nuclear power. This interest has not been disclosed by the Royal Commission on its website,” said Ms Calan.

Dr Stone is not the only Royal Commission member directly involved in the nuclear industry. Julian Kelly, its Technical Research Team Leader, is currently the Chief Technology Officer of Thor Energy, a Norwegian company focusing on the use of Thorium in nuclear reactors.

“If you’re directly involved in the very industry the Royal Commission is considering expanding, you potentially stand to gain something if a recommendation is made that this industry expand. … Read more >>

‘Containment’ film about nuclear waste storage 19 November

Containment film maker and Harvard Professor Robb Moss will present at the screening and be involved in a Q & A after the screening. Please spread the word and come along to this one-off and timely film screening.

Where: Uni SA – City West HH408

Cost: $5 un-waged / $10 waged

Reserve your tickets online at and pay cash at the door.

About Containment:

Can we contain some of the deadliest, most long-lasting substances ever produced? Left over from the Cold War are a hundred million gallons of radioactive sludge, covering vast radioactive lands. Governments around the world, desperate to protect future generations, have begun imagining society 10,000 years from now in order to create monuments that will speak across the time.

Part observational essay filmed in weapons plants, Fukushima and deep underground ? and part graphic novel ? Containment weaves between an uneasy present and an imaginative, troubled far future, exploring the idea that over millennia, nothing stays put.

Facebook event page

Containment invitation

Humanity at the Crossroads-How Spiritual Leadership can affect Climate Change

6.00-8.30pm Tuesday 20th October (food available, Welcome to Country 6.20pm)

Allan Scott Auditorium, Hawke Building, UniSA, 55 North Terrace

Climate Councillor Professor Lesley Hughes joins a Panel of Faith Leaders – Rev Dr Lynn Arnold (Anglican), Tom Price (Bah’ai), Jacqui Remond (Catholic Earthcare Australia), Imam Ensar Cutahija (Muslim) and John Seed (Buddhist).

Inaction on climate change implies injustice on a vast scale and directly threatens core values of our faith, such as peace, justice, care and equality. This interactive free forum will leave you feeling empowered and motivated.

Further information online on Multifaith SA website or

Please Register here: Shot 2015-10-18 at 3.17.15 PM

“Deep Ecology: Why Buddha Touched the Earth?”

An Evening Workshop with John Seed

Monday 19th October 2015

5.30 – 7.30pm, at The Village Well,

54  Strathalbyn Road, Aldgate

Screen Shot 2015-10-18 at 3.05.14 PMDeep Ecology is a philosophy of nature that sees “anthropocentrism” or human-centeredness as the root cause of our illusion of separation from Nature and thus our ecological woes.

Philosophy professor Arne Naess coined the term, claiming that “Ecological ideas are not enough – we need ecological identity, ecological self”.

In this workshop, John Seed will describe some of the experiential processes that help us break through this illusion of separation and allow us to deepen our felt connection with the living Earth and nourish our ecological identity.

He will then look at the relationship between spirituality and ecology and the ecological shoots in all major religions, particularly Buddhism.

For Information, contact: Philippa Rowland 0429 828412

(Gold coin donation appreciated for venue hire)

Grateful acknowledgement to Tommy Tang for  image Buddha’s head surrounded by tree roots, Ayutthaya