
Protest against supertrawler overfishing and seal cull August 1st

Join the protest against supertrawler overfishing and the proposed seal cull in the Coorong, Saturday 1 August 11am, SA Parliament House.

“Please join Animal Liberation SA and others for a peaceful protest against super trawlers, overfishing and the seal cull. The Geelong Star is permitted to catch 16,500 tonnes of redbait, jack mackerel and sardines. The removal of such species known as baitfish upsets the entire marine eco system. Bait fish is the food for many marine mammals, fish and sea birds including dolphins, seals, larger fish and sharks. With 90% of the earth’s fish stock gone, it is time to stop the plunder of our seas”.

Facebook event link


“FRACKMAN” coal seam gas movie 30 July

For those who missed the earlier screening, there’s a special screening organised by Doctors for the Environemnt Australia this thursday. There are still over a hundred tickets left; you can book at this site.


Promoted by Doctors for the Environment Australia

 Thursday, July 30 7:00PM – 8:33PM

at Wallis Cinemas Noarlunga

38-42 David Witton Drive, Noarlunga Centre, SA, AU, 5168 (map)

$19.00 AUD General

The China Free Trade Agreement and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) public meeting

The China Free Trade Agreement and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

Are trade agreements really free? How do they affect you?

MP Tony Zappia is hosting a public meeting.

When: Tuesday, 28th July 2015

Time: 7.00pm – 8.30pm

Where: Ingle Farm Recreation Centre Sunset Room

Cnr Roopena St & Beovich Rd, Ingle Farm.


Dr Patricia Ranald, Coordinator, Australian Fair Trade and Investment Network

The Hon. Martin Hamilton-Smith MP, state Minister for Trade and Investment

Tony Zappia MP, Federal Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Manufacturing

RSVP & for further information: Ph: 8265 3100 or



13th July 2015


Friends of the Earth have informed Royal Commissioner Kevin Scarce and the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission of a significant inaccuracy in Issues Paper 1, regarding the current and future legal framework for the nuclear industry in South Australia.  According to the Royal Commission, the Issues Papers are intended to provide factual information and background to assist the public in making submissions.

Issues Paper 1, which deals with the exploration, extraction and milling of uranium, states that Aboriginal sites of significance are protected by the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1988.

“This is not the case for BHP Billiton, South Australia’s biggest miner,” explained Nectaria Calan of Friends of the Earth Adelaide.  “Under the Indenture Act, which applies solely to BHP Billiton, the company’s Olympic Dam mine and some 15, 000 square kilometres of the surrounding Stuart Shelf, are exempt from the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1988.  This exemption would also apply to any future expansion of uranium mining by BHP Billiton at Olympic Dam or in the surrounding area.”

“This inaccuracy is significant as it misrepresents existing regulatory and legal arrangements and potential arrangements in the future, issues on which the Issue Paper invites public comment,” said Ms Calan. “The largest of the two operating uranium mines in the state is exempt from the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1988, alongside a further 15, 000 square kilometres of South Australia. BHP Billiton is also the most likely candidate for the expansion of uranium mining, also the subject of Issues Paper 1.  It is negligent to omit that this company is subject to a different legal framework than other companies operating in the state.”

“We have requested that the Royal Commission address this mistake, adequately publicise the required corrections, and extend the upcoming deadline for submissions to allow people to consider the new information that the Royal Commission should provide.… Read more >>

FoE at Students of Sustainability next week

Fair Food Adelaide’s Kim Hill is delivering two workshops at next week’s Students of Sustainability conference at Flinders University – “The End of Agriculture” on Thursday 10th and “Edible Weed Walk” on Satuday 11th. Clean Future Collective’s Dr Philip Smith is delivering a nuke free workshop on Friday with FoE Australia’s Dr Jim Green.

Come and say hi at our FOE stall on Saturday – incorporating Fair Food Adelaide, March Against Monsanto and the Clean Futures Collective with a focus on the nuclear royal commission.

Details here.

students of sustainability pic