Yellowcake Uranium oxide accident at Outer Harbor

Yellowcake uranium oxide is transported by truck from the Olympic Dam mine at Roxby Downs in South Australia, through Port Adelaide to the docks at Outer Harbor, to be loaded onto ships for export.  The yellowcake is packed inside sealed drums in a shipping container on the truck.

Early in the evening of Friday October 3rd 2014 an accident occurred at Outer Harbor.  When the shipping container was being unloaded from the truck it slipped and fell to the ground.  Emergency services were called, but as this was an accident involving dangerous goods and Outer Harbor didn’t have the facilities to open the container to check for spillage, the Environment Protection Agency was also called in to advise.  After checking the container with a geiger counter, the EPA determined that there was no radioactivity measurable outside the container.


FoE Adelaide AGM Thurs 13 November

Join us at the Friends of the Earth Adelaide‘s AGM on Thursday 13th November 7:30pm at the Box Factory, 59 Regent St Adelaide.

Hear what our Fair Food Adelaide and Clean Futures Collectives have been up to and their plans for next year.  After a brief AGM we will screen the short film Farmlands Not Gaslands about the campaign to protect Victoria from unconventional gas fracking.

Refreshments provided.

Enquiries to


BHP-Billiton AGM Public Action Nov 20th

BHP’s Annual General Meeting will be held in Adelaide at the Entertainment Centre 98 Port Rd, Hindmarsh, on Thursday 20th November 2015.

Join us from 9-10:30am to voice your support for the brave community voices heading into the AGM with support from BHP Shareholder for social responsibility to ask the hard questions about environmental destructions, community consultation, lack of responsibility and future risks.


BHP speakout Wed 19th Nov Gov Hindmarsh

BHP Speakout

6:30pm Governor Hindmarsh Hotel 59 Port Rd Hindmarsh

FoE are a member group of Nuclear Operations Watch Port Adelaide (NOWPA) who are one of the groups hosting this event.

Come and hear about community and environmental concerns with BHP mining projects in Australia and overseas. From coal mines in Colombia and Indonesia, the infamous Olympic Dam uranium mine in South Australia to uranium exports through Port Adelaide – at this forum the spotlight will be on BHP’s behaviour not their share price.  The event leads into the action outside the BHP-Billiton AGM at the Entertainment Centre the next day.


Kevin Buzzacott

Bob Briton, NOW Port Adelaide

Dave Sweeney – Australian Conservation Council

Mia Pepper – Conservation Council WA

For more information