Adelaide FoE AGM: Gas in the SE? No F@#king way!

The Adelaide Friends of the Earth AGM is on March 30th;
If you’re a member or supporter, we’d urge you to come along.

Locals aren’t too happy with the idea of gas fracking in the SE

Our speaker at the FoE AGM will be Anne Daw, Agricultural Advocate, talking about the conflict between gas & mineral mining and farmland. She was concerned by the recent government announcement to boost gas exploration.
While our Premier is being elevated to great heights on his stance with renewables and consideration of battery storage, sinister plans may be afoot to ensure that the South Australian Government may be still prepared to put at risk, prime agriculture land, precious water, our clean and green image and export markets.

In a news release on March 9, Energy and Resources Minister, Tom Koutsantonis said
“The removal of onshore drilling bans or hydraulic fracturing moratoria could also allow the market to access supply not currently available,” Energy Minister Tom Koutsantonis said the report showed Steven Marshall should immediately abandon his promise to ban unconventional gas developments in the South East.

Last Tuesday, the Minister made an announcement that “the State Government would be using “every aspect of our arsenal” to tackle the problem, and intended to have its solution in place for next summer. Local gas generation will be a key, with the government to unlock more of the state’s gas reserves.”

If you’re coming, please reserve tickets using the form below; it’ll help us ensure there are seats for everyone!

Note: Anne will be the first item on the agenda, after a brief intro and welcome.

Public Meetings Flinders Nuclear waste Dump

The Flinders Local Action Group (FLAG) and the Conservation Council of South Australia would like to invite you to attend one or both public meetings we are holding in Hawker and Port Augusta.

The meetings will discuss the proposed Radioactive Waste Management Facility at Barndioota, near Hawker, looking at the issues surrounding nuclear medicine and the history of nuclear waste management in Australia.

In 2016 a community survey undertaken by FLAG showed that a majority of local residents oppose the federal government’s proposal to build a national nuclear waste dump at Barndioota.

A nuclear waste dump in the Flinders Ranges presents a wide range of risks and many unknowns. 

Speakers include:

  • Dr Margaret Beavis is a Melbourne GP and President of the Medical Association for Prevention of War. She teaches medicine and public health at Melbourne University.
  • Dave Sweeney from the Australian Conservation Foundation and was on the national nuclear waste Independent Advisory Panel.

There will also be speakers from the FLAG group.

The meeting details are:

Port Augusta
Thursday 16th MarchInstitute Theatre52 Commercial Rd

Sausage sizzle at 5pm

Meeting 6pm – 8.30pm


Sunday 19th March

Hawker Community Sports Centre

Cradock Road

Sausage sizzle at 1pm

Meeting 2pm – 4pm


These are free events. There will time for questions and discussion after the speakers.  We would be pleased if you were able to attend either of the meetings.

Please also promote the meetings in any way you can.

Please feel free to contact Greg Bannon on 0459 088 052 or myself on 0422 229 970 or email if you require any further information.

thanks and regards,

Mara Bonacci

on behalf of the Flinders Local Action Group. 

Want to get involved?

We hope you’re enjoying the fortnightly email newsletter from FoE Adelaide.
You can support our work in a number of ways:

  • feel free to forward the newsletter to people who may be interested;
  • join friends of the earth adelaide;
  • donate two hours of wages each month to Adelaide FoE, or two hours of your time working on FoE campaigns and projects;
  • come along to FoE meetings and contribute to the discussion on building an ecological future
    (you can start with the AGM on Mar 30th)!

Donations here
membership forms



Non violent direct action training Sat 4 March

Non Violent Direct Action Training
Saturday 4 March
The Joinery
111 Franklin St Adelaide

Come along and learn about non violent direct action in the spirit of Gandhi and Martin Luther King, from our faciliator Mara Bonacci of Friends of the Earth Melbourne’s Anti-nuclear and Clean Energy Collective.

Learn theory, legal issues, codes of conduct, role play and planning an action.

BYO lunch. Tea, coffee and biscuits provided.

Entry by donation. All proceeds to the campaign against nuclear expansion in SA.

Please book your spot by RSVPing to

Facebook event link

FoE Annual General Meeting Thurs 30 March

Friends of the Earth Adelaide AGM
Thursday 30th March
Hurtle Room
Box Factory
Regent St South Adelaide

Friends of the Earth Adelaide will hold our 2015/16 AGM on Thursday 30th March at 6pm-7:30pm at the Box Factory, Regent St South, Adelaide.

We apologise that the AGM is later than normal due to our focus on campaigning against nuclear waste dumps in 2017.

Our guest speaker will be Anne Daw, Agricultural Advocate talking about the conflict between gas & mineral mining and farmland.

Friends of the Earth AGM 2015/16 AGENDA

1. Welcome and introductions
2. Acceptance of the 2014/15 AGM minutes
3. Reports from Office Bearers
4. Reports from Collectives Fair Food Adelaide and Clean Futures
5. Elections
6. “Gas & mineral mining vs farmland” presentation by Anne Daw, Agricultural Advocate
7. Close with tea, coffee and snacks
