The Trans-Pacific Partnership: Undermining global efforts to address climate change

screen-shot-2016-09-15-at-9-16-27-pmLast weekend, President Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping officially signed onto the Paris Agreement on climate. Yet, President Obama is simultaneously pushing a trade agenda that directly undermines the U.S.’s ability to address climate change.

A new report from the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy finds that the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) involving the U.S. and eleven Pacific Rim countries, totaling nearly 40 percent of the global economy, would benefit high greenhouse emitting industries like energy and agriculture, while restricting national and local policies that respond to climate change.

The report, The Climate Cost of Free Trade: How the TPP and other trade deals undermine the Paris climate agreement, finds that existing trade agreements and proposed new rules in the TPP would impact countries’ climate goals committed to as part of the global Paris Climate Agreement.

“There is a real blindspot for the climate within trade agreements, and particularly the TPP,” says Ben Lilliston, IATP’s Director of Climate Strategies and the report’s author. “Trade deals are driving a form of corporate-led globalization that is highly extractive of natural resources and completely ignores the damage it does to the climate. If we don’t reform our trade agreements and reject the TPP, it will be nearly impossible to reach our climate goals agreed to in Paris.”

National commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, covering sectors like energy, agriculture, and forestry, are at the heart of the Paris climate agreement. All TPP participating countries have submitted a climate plan as part of the Paris deal. Yet, the IATP report found that the TPP expands the reach of past trade deals that have struck down renewable energy programs supporting green jobs, provided agribusiness more opportunities to challenge regulations that protect farmers and consumers, and limited the ability of countries to regulate dirty energy production like coal mining, fracking, and off-shore drilling. The words, “climate change” do not appear at all in the agreement. (more…)

Seed Freedom Food Festival 24 September

Saturday 24 September, 10am – 4pm.
@ 1 Holland St, Adelaide 5000
(in ‘The Market Shed’ space).

SFFF2016 is your festival for celebration, inspiration and information on organic food, local food, growing your own food and the need to save seed!
‘Lettuce’ offer you all the tools for how, and why, to grow your own organic food, save your own seeds and support those in your local community doing the same.

$4 entry (children free) gains you access to 3 stages of 20 FREE WORKSHOPS & SPEAKERS (no need to book, Program will be released soon) plus an all day music stage.
As well as our infamous huge SEED SWAP, FOOD SWAP and GARDEN GEAR SWAP, local gardening stalls, lush organic food stalls, community group stalls, a KIDS SPROUT SPACE and kids workshops, seed displays, seed mandala co-creation and a whole lot of heart right in the middle of the city.

So start gathering your seeds and gardening goodies to swap and look forward to growing & thriving with you soon.

* Native seed collection and propagation – Neville Bonney
* Knowing, growing, eating Edible Native Bush Foods – Neville Bonney
* Making and using compost! – Tim Marshall
* Plant Propagation, success with seeds & more – Karen Montgomery
* Fermentation, get cultured! – Remedy Bliss
* The unexpected uses of cottage plants – Bev Lane
* Ethical Foraging – Bev Lane
* Seed Saving how to – Steven Hoepfner
* Building healthy soils for healthy plants and people – Nat Wiseman
* Getting to know the Heart and Soul of Australian Natives – Edmund Gooden

* Gardening Woes 101 with Sophie Thomson!
* Growing for the Future – Annemarie Brookman
* Native Bees in your garden – Jenny Deans
* Why Biodynamics & organic health – Dr. Phil Duguid
* Integrating Permaculture into Backyard Sharing – Joe Kielnerowski & Rosanne Parker
* Seed Saving in a Sustainable Garden – Andrew Skinner
* Herbal Communities – Patrizia Bronzi

Facebook Event

National Day of Action Against Nuclear Waste Dumps 15 October


11AM, OCT 15, 2016

Lets come together to show our support for a nuclear free future!

We encourge all creativity so bring your banners, signs and costumes. Lets make it a great day.

Saturday October 15, 2016 marks 63 years since the first atomic bomb test at Emu Junction in South Australia.

The Federal Government is pursuing plans to build a national waste dump in the Flinders Ranges while a proposal for South Australia to take the worlds international high level nuclear waste continues to be progressed by the SA state government.

Communities across the state are saying ‘no way’.

We can do better than to take the worlds worst waste’.

Home | don’t dump on SA

Facebook event

You can pick up posters at the Joinery, 111 Franklin Street, Adelaide.

Nuclear exhibition at Tandanya

Nuclear Exhibition

Saturday 17 September to Saturday 12 November 2016

Exposing the legacies of the atomic age through creative arts.

Involving more than 50 creative artists – photographers, filmmakers, digital artists, painters, sculptors and writers – this showcase presents the stories of atomic survivors, those Indigenous communities, service personnel and civilian workers who have been directly affected by atomic testing. It presents discoveries about the nuclear age, and fits within a long tradition of artists and communities responding to ‘the bomb’.

A centrepiece is ‘Ngurini’ (Searching), an immersive digital projection made with members of the Yalata Anangu community. Another is ’10 Minutes to Midnight’ also for immersive screening in our large cylindrical arena, and developed with nuclear veterans and the Balaklava community.

These digital art works are accompanied by exhibitions of photography and sculpture, feature seminars, film screenings, and storyteller sessions by Australian and international artists.

WHERE: Tandanya National Aboriginal Cultural Institute
Kaurna Country, 253 Grenfell Street, Adelaide

Open Monday to Saturday, 9.30am to 4.30pm
Closed Sunday and Public Holidays

Proudly bought to you by Alphaville and Tandanya National Aboriginal Cultural Institute, this project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body.


To maintain the momentum in exposing the legacies of the atomic age through creative arts, Alphaville have set up an important Kickstarter campaign.

Your donations will help fund installation costs and the public education program for the Nuclear showcase around Australia

You can lend your support by:

** Joining our crowdfunding campaign, at


** Emailing Alphaville’s producer Paul Brown to arrange a tax deductible donation, at

Thank you.

Facebook event page

Nuclear waste dumps? It’s just not worth the risk… 21 September

National Day of Action Info Night

Nuclear waste dumps?
It’s just not worth the risk…
Do you really want to ‘know’ nuclear?

Wednesday September 21, 6.30pm
@ The Gov, 59 Port Road.

Hear from speakers about why communities are standing up for SA on October 15 against nuclear waste dumps in SA.

Then meet some members of the Nation day of Action ADL organising committee about how you, your family or organisation can get involved and hear why the date is so significant.

Speakers include:

Karina Lester, Chairperson, Yunkunytjatjara Native Title Aboriginal Corporation.

Janette Milera, Kaurna, Arabunna, Narungga activist and National Day of Action Organising Committee.

Roderick Campbell, Economist, The Australia Institute (Canberra)

Jamie Newlyn, Secretary, Maritime Union Australia, SA Branch

Lovisa Muyderman, Australian Youth Climate Coalition and National Day of Action Organising Committee.

RSVP to the National Day of Action