Apply for a chance to view the nuclear “Citizen’s Jury”

The Nuclear Royal Commission has moved on to the so-called “community consultation” phase where 50 people have been chosen out of RSVPs from 25,000 invitations. See the link below inviting people to apply for the chance to view one of its sessions:

From their website:

“Citizens’ Jury Viewing

Want to know what happens inside a Citizens’ Jury? Now is your chance. Register below to be an “Observer” for the nuclear Citizens’ Jury. There are a number of sessions in which 10 randomly selected South Australians will be able to sit in and watch proceedings, hear what the Jury hears and observe how democracy works in this important discussion.

While sessions will be broadcast publicly via media organisations and live streaming on the YourSAy website, at any time the jury reserves the right to deliberate privately and can ask for the jury room to be cleared.

Please note that photographers will be present to take photographs and capture film at this event. This material will be published in both printed and electronic (including Internet-based) media used by the South Australian Government to promote the consultation process on the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission report. In some cases, the media in which this material is published may be administered by a third party.

Step 1

Register your interest below. Please provide your name and telephone number and select a session that you would like to attend – please nominate a date and a morning or afternoon session. More than one box can be ticked.

Step 2

Registration for the first two days of the Citizens’ Jury (Saturday 25 June and Sunday 26 June) will close at 5pm Wednesday 22 June, 2016. Registrations for the last two days (Saturday 9 July and Sunday 10 July) will close at 5pm on Wednesday 6th July. All applicants’ names will be sorted into a random stratification process which will be facilitated independently by newDemocracy Foundation. To allocate seats, a random number draw will be conducted.

Step 3

Successfully drawn applicants for the first weekend of the Citizens’ Jury will be notified by telephone or email on Thursday 23 June. Successfully drawn applicants for the second weekend will be notified by telephone on Thursday 7 July.”

TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) trade election scorecard media release

Friends of the Earth Adelaide welcome the initiative shown by FOE Melbourne with their ranking of parties and candidates on trade related issues, especially the Trans Pacific Partnership.

Media release June 17, 2016

Parties and candidates rated on trade issues

Today the TPP Unions and Community Roundtable Coalition, of which Friends of the Earth is a founding member, has released a Federal Election 2016 TPP Scorecard ranking all currently elected parties’ and independents’ stance on the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP).

In order to accurately score the parties and politicians on their commitment to disabling the TPP, the Roundtable asked two questions:

If elected, will you:
1: Vote against the enabling legislation for the Trans-Pacific Partnership?
2: Introduce or support legislation to ban ISDS in all trade agreements?

So far the TPP Union and Community Roundtable has received responses from the ALP, the Greens, the Nick Xenophon Team, Glenn Lazarus and Andrew Wilkie. As evidenced by their ticks on the scorecards, the Greens, Xenophon, Lazarus and Wilkie all responded with an unambiguous “Yes” to both questions.

However, the response from the ALP demonstrated an alarming vagueness, stating that Under Australia’s treaty-making arrangements the Parliament must examine trade agreements. The review of the TPP by the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties (JSCOT) was not concluded at the time Mr Turnbull caused the dissolution of the Parliament. The TPP will be examined by JSCOT in the next Parliament whoever forms government – that’s how our treaty system works; and that A Shorten Labor Government will not agree to Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) provisions in new trade agreements. A Labor Government will seek to remove these provisions from existing trade agreements and work to ensure ISDS provisions do not prevent governments from pursuing legitimate public policy goals.

Friends of the Earth TPP and trade spokesperson Kat Moore said “time and again, the major parties have bluffed their way through questions regarding the TPP, committing to nothing, whilst meanwhile our sovereignty is being eroded, and our environment, health, jobs and basic freedoms put at risk. The ALP got us into this Trojan Horse deal; the LNP have pushed it further, with no regard for public opinion or wellbeing. Based on this record, we cannot trust either of these parties to put community interest ahead of corporations.”

Friends of the Earth TPP and trade spokesperson Samantha Castro said “The ALP has stated they are against the Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) mechanism. This is their opportunity to demonstrate that they’re serious about this. We call on the ALP, as well as crossbenchers, to vote against TPP-enabling legislation, and to introduce, or support, legislation to ban ISDS in all trade agreements.”

The scorecard is available here.

Further comment

Kat Moore: 0422 258 159
Samantha Castro: 0439 569 289

The Lizard Bites Back protest festival info night Tue 21 June

The Lizard Bites Back protest festival info night
Adelaide Bike Kitchen
22 Gibson St Bowden
Tuesday 21 June

The lizard bites back protest festival will take place at the gates of the Olympic Dam uranium mine from the 1st – 3rd of July this year.

Join us at the Adelaide Bike Kitchen on Tuesday 21st for an informal discussion about the event, including what to expect, why we are going, logistics, legals and anything else people want to discuss. Feel free to forward any questions to us before the info session.

This will also be a great opportunity to organise car poolingface to face, so if you are looking for passengers, or you need a lift, come along and we can connect drivers with passengers.

The lizard bites back follows on from the lizard’s revenge in July 2012, which saw approximately 500 people converge near the gates of the mine for five days of workshops, actions and music.

With SA currently facing two nuclear waste dump proposals, and BHP Billiton projected to start a heap leach trial by the end of the year as part of an alternative expansion plan, this is an important time to mobilise and send the message that there is strong community opposition to any expansion of the nuclear fuel cycle in SA.

In July we will re-focus on the source of the problem, highlighting an absurd global situation where we keep mining a mineral we have no idea how to dispose of safely, whilst proposals are again being made to force nuclear waste dumps on communities that do not want them.

The Lizard Bites Back will be held on Kokatha country.

Facebook event page

lizard photo

SPEAK OUT at the Gov: Traditional Owners tell their stories; No nuclear waste dump in the Flinders Ranges

SPEAK OUT at the Gov: Traditional Owners tell their stories; No nuclear waste dump in the Flinders Ranges

Governor Hindmarsh Hotel
59 Port Rd Hindmarsh
22 June

“Storylines go through the area.. This is our place of learning.” Regina McKenzie, Adnyamathanha Elder.

Come and listen to the stories, fireside at the Gov. Learn about the fight to stop a nuclear waste dump in the Flinders Ranges and get inspired by Adnyamathanha Traditional Owners who have been speaking out strongly since the beginning and are certainly not about to stop!

There will be a short film, inspiring speakers and time to have a yarn.

We look forward to seeing you there.

GANG: Girls Against Nuclear Genocide

Facebook Event Page

photo waterhole gang

Donate to help Aboriginal people fight the Flinders nuclear dump

You are invited to donate to a gofund me account set up by by Adnyamathanha woman Regina McKenzie of Yappala Station near Hawker in the Flinders Ranges – she lives right next to the nuclear waste dump proposed location.

The site is approximately 35 km from Hawker. Hawker is approximately 1.5 hours drive north of Pt Augusta on the highway to Leigh Creek. Total of 4.5 hours north of Adelaide.

Please feel invited to donate to Regina: GoFundMe

“There are old ancient stories set deep in the Flinders Ranges in South Australia. In a place called Barndioota, once part of a thriving trade route across Australia, archaeological evidence brings to life ancient stories, millennia old songlines that teach us about the land and its people.

“The first one to ever be registered in the South Australian Aboriginal Heritage AARD database is the story of Punga Pudinah.

“Using modern archaeological tools the story was verified as culturally important at the specific location of Barndioota.

“The South Australian Government plans to locate a nuclear waste dump at Barndioota – this will be devastating not only to this ancient culture but also to the vastly important ground water supply in the region. A region that sits at the edge of the desert in Australia’s Outback.

“The irony is South Australia’s Tourism Commission wants you to visit! It is indeed a beautiful place – check it out.

“We need to raise funds to stop the nuclear waste dump in the Flinders Ranges. The proposed site is near the beautiful Hookina waterhole, known by Aboriginal people as Punga Pudinah.

“Water is the most precious resource out here at the edge of the desert. A spill or leakage of nuclear waste into the ground water will devastate the are area.

“Please read:

“High-level wastes are hazardous because they produce fatal radiation doses during short periods of direct exposure. For example, 10 years after removal from a reactor, the surface dose rate for a typical spent fuel assembly exceeds 10,000 rem/hour – far greater than the fatal whole-body dose for humans of about 500 rem received all at once. If isotopes from these high-level wastes get into groundwater or rivers, they may enter food chains. The dose produced through this indirect exposure would be much smaller than a direct-exposure dose, but a much larger population could be exposed.”

“Please help us stop this terrible nuclear waste dump.

“Your support will go a long way to provide the resources to stop this from happening.

“Donate today. Please share widely!

Regina McKenzie