No Dump Alliance launches in SA

Please sign the Statement of Concern at

Statement of Concern

South Australia is a proud state rich in possibilities, clever people, culture, creativity and breathtaking nature. We believe we can achieve so much more than become the dumping ground for the world’s radioactive waste. This statement is our response to any proposal to establish a nuclear waste dump in South Australia.


Lack of Respect for Original First Nations Peoples
Aboriginal communities in South Australia endured British nuclear weapons testing in the 1950s and 1960s at Emu Field and Maralinga and continue to suffer health and social impacts from these tests today. Many First Nations Peoples and their communities are opposed to all nuclear developments. A nuclear waste dump would be a permanent imposition on country, people, laws, environment and culture. From Elders in the communities to young people now speaking out, generations after generations have said NO to nuclear waste dumps.

Future Generations
To import international nuclear waste is an irrevocable decision. Once brought to South Australia, the waste would be here forever and remain dangerous for hundreds of thousands of years. We would not be able to change our minds and send the waste back. Our children and countless generations who follow them would have no say in the decision, yet they are the ones who would be left with the responsibility and the cost. We have no right to mortgage their freedom and independence.

Public Health & Environmental Risks
We have a responsibility to preserve the health and safety of all South Australians and our environment. There is no ‘safe’ level of exposure to ionising radiation. Any exposure can lead to a range of health effects. Exposure can occur in routine handling of nuclear waste during transport by sea or on land, in long-term storage above ground or in the placement of the material in the proposed deep underground waste dump.… Read more >>

Nuclear ports for SA or Darwin?

Nuclear Ports brief by David Noonan, Independent Environment Campaigner

“Nuclear port in Australia to store High level Nuclear wastes and receive waste ships every 24 to 30 days for decades”

Nuclear Port Brief David Noonan May2016

Premier Jay W can’t credibly call on SA ‘to decide’ without our knowing basic key relevant information – like what region in SA is targeted for a Nuclear port?

Is the coastal region south of Whyalla – potentially Cape Hardy or other sites – the only regional option to bring High level Nuclear wastes into SA?

Or does Premier thinks Darwin & down through NT is his (only other?) option – a surprise to NT in this Federal election & in having their own NT election in August…

As pre-requisites to any so called ‘decision’ and as key initial implications of any proposed decision.

There are lots of hurdles in International nuclear dumpers way – the SA Parliament legislated to prohibit international nuclear waste, the import, transport, storage and disposal of High level Spent Nuclear fuel, back in 2000 under Liberal Premier John Olsen.

Presumably at a minimum Premier Weatherill intends to repeal this legislation in November…

The NT Parliament also legislated to prohibit International nuclear wastes and that would have to be repealed before NT could be linked into any Inter dump agenda.

Hon. Mark Butler MP restated ALP National Platform position: “Labor will Remain strongly opposed to the importation and storage of nuclear waste” at recent National Press Club

The State Government intends to make a decision on the international waste dump proposal by the end of the year after an extensive community consultation process.

2015 National Policy Platform states:
154. Labor will:
· Vigorously and totally oppose the ocean dumping of radioactive waste;
· Prohibit the establishment of nuclear power plants and all other stages of the nuclear fuel cycle in Australia;
· Fully meet all Australia’s obligations as a party to the NPT; and
· Remain strongly opposed to the importation and storage of nuclear waste that is sourced from overseas in Australia.

Adelaide launch BZE Renewables Superpower Report

Friends of the Earth invites you to the Adelaide launch of the Renewables Superpower Report from Beyond Zero Emissions
Friday June 3rd, 7-9pm at BH2-09 Barbara Hanrahan Bldg City West, UniSA

A presentation by Dr Stephen Bygrave, BZE

The Renewable Energy Superpower presentation looks at how Australia
can harness our renewable resources to become not only self
sufficient in all our energy needs but also a globally significant renewable energy player.
The global transition to clean energy is a second chance for Australia
to leverage  an energy advantage. Our world class renewable
energy resources will be the basis of abundant, internationally low-priced energy once more.
This time it will be a sustained advantage, supporting a productive economy into the future.

The politicians

Mark Butler, ALP Shadow Minister for Environment, Climate Change & Water;
Sen Robert Simms, Australian Greens

The panel

Dr Hugh Saddler, Adjunct Associate Professor, Crawford School, ANU, energy analyst tracking our CO2 emissions;
Andrew Bray,
National Coordinator Australian Wind Alliance;
Lisa Lumsden,
from Repower Port Augusta with the latest on solar thermal;
Darrin Spinks, executive chair HeliostatSA, on their developments in SA and overseas

The discussion? Up to you! Tickets are free.

Please book via eventbrite:


CSIRO buries its futures forecast in fossil fuel technologies

Sophie Vorrath, writing on, notes the problems with the recent CSIRO report:

The final scenario, called Weathering the Storm, pictures a world where geopolitical instability has increased, driven by climate change and regional conflicts over access to land, food and water – all of which leads to prolonged global economic stagnation.
Under this latter, nightmarish scenario – something that may well emerge given the slow pace of decarbonisation and the rapid changes in climate – the report heralds an energy future for Australia that still revolves around fossil fuels.
“With volatility and uncertainty surrounding most industries, the energy market relies on tried and tested energy sources such as coal rather than further developing the potential of renewables,” it predicts.
“High oil and gas prices coupled with regional conflicts in oil supplying areas like the Middle East has also increased the attractiveness of coal.”
These conditions, the report says, will mean that “technologies that allow coal to replace oil or gas as a fuel will facilitate heightened demand for Australian coal.”

The full article:

Senate candidate Forum on Jobs, Justice Climate & Community

The Australian Youth Climate Coalition, Oaktree, The Wilderness Society, Solar Citizens, Conservation Council South Australia, Oxfam Australia, Campaign for Australian Aid, and Catholic Earthcare Australia invite you to participate in a Senate Candidate Forum on Jobs, Justice, Climate and Community on the 16th of June.  

Combatting climate change, ending extreme poverty, as well as local issues such as protecting South Australia’s beautiful coastline and providing sustainable and clean jobs for South Australians  are concerns we hear echoed throughout the community.  Developing an understanding of Australia’s role in tackling some of the biggest issues facing us today is vitally important if we are to be well informed.

Senate Candidate Forum on Jobs, Justice, Climate and Community

Thursday, 16th of June 6.30 PM to 8.30 PM
The Main Room, The Glenelg Club, Gliderol Stadium Brighton Road, Glenelg East, South Australia 5045

More details: facebook invite