BZE Renewable Superpower launch report back

Friends of the Earth Adelaide and Beyond Zero Emissions had a very successful launch of the Renewable Superpower report last Friday.

As reported in the Transcontinental newspaper based in Port Augusta:

“Repower Port Augusta spokesperson Lisa Lumsden, gave an address at the launch and was on the Q&A panel. Our Lisa Lumsden left the audience with the comment that she hoped Port Augusta is ready able and willing to be the hub for Australia as a renewable energy superpower.”

Frydenberg Fridays – let the Minister responsible for national nuclear waste dumps know how you feel

Frydenberg Fridays – an initiative of the ACE Collective, Friends of the Earth Melbourne

Contact the Federal Resources Minister Josh Frydenberg to oppose the dumping of Australia’s radioactive waste on the Adnyamathanha people and support the local communities in opposition to a national radioactive waste dump in the Flinders Ranges.

South Australia is at risk of being turned into the nation’s nuclear waste dump.

The Turnbull Government is advancing plans to build a national nuclear waste dump in South Australia’s Flinders Ranges. The announcement in April 2016 named Barndioota – Wallerbidina as the site.

We need your support to protect this region from nuclear waste.

The Wallerbidina site is of great cultural, historical and spiritual significance to Adnyamathanha Traditional Owners, who are calling this decision a desecration of their culture. Regina McKenzie, who lives at Yappala Station near the dump site, says: “The area is Adnyamathanha land. It is Arngurla Yarta (spiritual land). The proposed dump site has countless thousands of Aboriginal artifacts. Our ancestors are buried there. The nominated site is a significant women’s site. Throughout the area are registered cultural heritage sites and places of huge importance to our people.”

Friends of the Earth has been working closely with Adnyamathanha Traditional Owners who are united in their opposition to the proposed dump.

Regina McKenzie and her family are asking for support.

One way you can do this is by contacting Minister Frydenberg and expressing concern about the national dump plans. In the lead up to the final decision, your voice can be a powerful support to the Adnyamathanha people and will be appreciated for generations to come.

To contact Minister Frydenberg:

Call his Melbourne office – (03) 9882 3677

Send an email –

Write a letter – 695 Burke Road, Camberwell VIC 3124

Some points to mention in your letter/email to Minister Frydenberg:

Impact on Aboriginal Traditional Owners

The Adnyamathanha community is unanimously opposed to the development of the proposed nuclear waste dump at Wallerbidina Station, and view this proposal as an attack on their cultural beliefs, history and heritage.

The Yappala Indigenous Protected Area (IPA) neighbours proposed site and contains the first registered aboriginal story/song line in Australia and a sacred women’s site. This area is rich in traditional foods and medicines used by the local Adnyamathnaha community to feed their families and pass on their culture and traditions.

There is an extraordinarily high density of unique archaeological sites which offer a wealth of knowledge to further archaeological studies. This area is part of an ancient trading route and contains thousands of aboringal artefacts and burial sites.

This site is environmentally unsuitable

The proposed site is in a geologically unstable area, which experiences frequent earthquakes and tremors.

The site is in an area prone to destructive seasonal flooding. The most recent of these floods caused significant environmental damage due to the ferocity of the water. Trees were uprooted and homes destroyed.

The nomination of this site puts local economies at risk

Tourism in the Flinders Ranges region provides the local community with over $100 million annually, any loss of earnings from a negative association with a nuclear waste dump could be devastating for the local economy. Investment in sustainable tourism initiatives could provide the community with long term employment opportunities, without poisoning the landscape. For any job created by a waste dump, many more will be lost.

The pastoralists and farming communities in the area are opposed and fear they will suffer. Farmers in the area pride themselves on a clean and green reputation that could be destroyed if a nuclear waste dump is built in the area.

This Federal Government can do better.

The storage of radioactive waste remains illegal under the South Australian Radioactive Waste Transport and Storage (Prohibition) Act (2000)

The Federal Government’s consultation process is fundamentally flawed. Traditional Owners were made aware of the nomination by a media announcement. This complete disregard of the importance of community consultation is completely contradictory to the federal Government’s commitment to a more open and transparent site selection process.

To find a practical and just solution to the management of Australia’s radioactive waste, there is a need for a public inquiry to explore all our options for the management of radioactive waste. Such an approach would provide enhanced community and procedural confidence and rigor and ensure greater stakeholder engagement.

Rally: No Nuclear Dump in the Flinders Ranges – Pt Augusta Fri 24 June

Family Friendly regional rally in Port Augusta for the Iron Triangle towns:

No nuclear waste dump in the Flinders Ranges!

12 – 2pm Friday 24 June
meet at Pt Augusta east foreshore

The Federal Government is progressing plans to dump low and intermediate level waste in the Flinders Ranges on Adnyamathanha land.

The community say No.

We want clean regions not toxic towns.

Friday June 24, 2016
12 noon
Port Augusta foreshore

Marching from the Port Augusta foreshore to Gladstone Square via Commercial Road with speakers, music, BBQ

Bring your banners, placards, friends and family.

No Dump Alliance launches in SA

Please sign the Statement of Concern at

Statement of Concern

South Australia is a proud state rich in possibilities, clever people, culture, creativity and breathtaking nature. We believe we can achieve so much more than become the dumping ground for the world’s radioactive waste. This statement is our response to any proposal to establish a nuclear waste dump in South Australia.


Lack of Respect for Original First Nations Peoples
Aboriginal communities in South Australia endured British nuclear weapons testing in the 1950s and 1960s at Emu Field and Maralinga and continue to suffer health and social impacts from these tests today. Many First Nations Peoples and their communities are opposed to all nuclear developments. A nuclear waste dump would be a permanent imposition on country, people, laws, environment and culture. From Elders in the communities to young people now speaking out, generations after generations have said NO to nuclear waste dumps.

Future Generations
To import international nuclear waste is an irrevocable decision. Once brought to South Australia, the waste would be here forever and remain dangerous for hundreds of thousands of years. We would not be able to change our minds and send the waste back. Our children and countless generations who follow them would have no say in the decision, yet they are the ones who would be left with the responsibility and the cost. We have no right to mortgage their freedom and independence.

Public Health & Environmental Risks
We have a responsibility to preserve the health and safety of all South Australians and our environment. There is no ‘safe’ level of exposure to ionising radiation. Any exposure can lead to a range of health effects. Exposure can occur in routine handling of nuclear waste during transport by sea or on land, in long-term storage above ground or in the placement of the material in the proposed deep underground waste dump. Increased exposure through accidents can make adverse outcomes much more severe. In over 70 years, no country anywhere in the world has worked out how to isolate high-level nuclear waste for the length of time it remains dangerous to humans. Yet, the Royal Commission’s plan would see our state importing over 100,000 tonnes of high-level nuclear waste and storing it above ground for decades in the hope that a permanent underground solution can be found in the future. We have no right to risk the health and wellbeing of countless future South Australians.

Financial Risks
South Australia has been sold down the river before about a dream economic fix. If it’s such a good deal, why aren’t other countries rushing to do it? Something just doesn’t add up. The Royal Commission’s case for a nuclear dump making a profit is based on inflated estimates of the income and deflated estimates of the costs and risks. The Commission assumes that countries with waste stockpiles will pay a premium price to dump in our backyard and that no other country will ever offer a cheaper option. If the economics of this nuclear waste project fail, the South Australian public would bear the losses – forever.

There is a big difference between a Royal Commission and South Australia’s permission.
South Australians have rejected nuclear waste dump proposals in the past and believe today that our state can do better.

We are signing this statement to indicate our concerns ahead of any decision by the South Australian Parliament and invite others who share these concerns, to join us.

Nuclear ports for SA or Darwin?

Nuclear Ports brief by David Noonan, Independent Environment Campaigner

“Nuclear port in Australia to store High level Nuclear wastes and receive waste ships every 24 to 30 days for decades”

Nuclear Port Brief David Noonan May2016

Premier Jay W can’t credibly call on SA ‘to decide’ without our knowing basic key relevant information – like what region in SA is targeted for a Nuclear port?

Is the coastal region south of Whyalla – potentially Cape Hardy or other sites – the only regional option to bring High level Nuclear wastes into SA?

Or does Premier thinks Darwin & down through NT is his (only other?) option – a surprise to NT in this Federal election & in having their own NT election in August…

As pre-requisites to any so called ‘decision’ and as key initial implications of any proposed decision.

There are lots of hurdles in International nuclear dumpers way – the SA Parliament legislated to prohibit international nuclear waste, the import, transport, storage and disposal of High level Spent Nuclear fuel, back in 2000 under Liberal Premier John Olsen.

Presumably at a minimum Premier Weatherill intends to repeal this legislation in November…

The NT Parliament also legislated to prohibit International nuclear wastes and that would have to be repealed before NT could be linked into any Inter dump agenda.

Hon. Mark Butler MP restated ALP National Platform position: “Labor will Remain strongly opposed to the importation and storage of nuclear waste” at recent National Press Club

The State Government intends to make a decision on the international waste dump proposal by the end of the year after an extensive community consultation process.

2015 National Policy Platform states:
154. Labor will:
· Vigorously and totally oppose the ocean dumping of radioactive waste;
· Prohibit the establishment of nuclear power plants and all other stages of the nuclear fuel cycle in Australia;
· Fully meet all Australia’s obligations as a party to the NPT; and
· Remain strongly opposed to the importation and storage of nuclear waste that is sourced from overseas in Australia.