Antinuclear contingent at the May Day march Sat 30th April

The May Day march is on Saturday 30th April (the closest Saturday to May Day) – meet 10am at the Torrens Parade Ground to march to Light Square for stalls, speeches and entertainment.

There will be an anti nuclear banner to march behind and a stall at the Square asking people to sign our postcards to the Premier.

All welcome

Facebook event here

Contact for more information.

Two fossil fuel free events in May

Friends of the Earth Adelaide are happy to support the Wilderness Society in their campaign to protect wilderness and farmland from gas fracking, and to stop oil drilling from happening in the Great Australian Bight.

1. Stand up at Santos AGM

Join us from 8:30-10:30am outside the Santos AGM at the western end of the Convention Centre on North Terrace to highlight to shareholders the dangers of gas fracking.

Facebook event here

It’s time for South Australians to support our NSW cousins. Our common asset – Australia’s largest underground water resource, the Great Artesian Basin – is under serious threat from Santos’ plans for an 850 well coal seam gasfield in the Pilliga forest.

Farmers and traditional owners of the Pilliga area in North West NSW will travel over 1,400km to have their voices heard by the Santos board and shareholders.

We need South Australians to turn up in support and show Santos some home-grown opposition to its risky plans.

Recently NSW has seen many people-powered victories against CSG. Now, Santos’ Narrabri Gas Project in the Pilliga is the last CSG proposal in the state and the NSW Gasfield Free movement is focused on this final front.

The Pilliga forest is the largest woodland left in Eastern Australia and a critical recharge zone for the Great Artesian Basin.

We must make sure that Santos’ new CEO, its board and shareholders know without a doubt that it’s not just NSW people determined to stop CSG in the Pilliga but that South Australians are also aware and opposed to these risky plans.

2. Hands Across the Sand ADELAIDE EVENT – Facebook information here
Saturday 21st May 2016, 11:00am at Glenelg Beach Foreshore, near the jetty.

It is time again to join hands at Glenelg Beach and say NO to risky deepsea drilling in our Great Australian Bight and YES to clean energy and a low carbon economy.

BP along with other mining giants are planning on drilling for oil in the Great Australian Bight late 2016.

It is time we send a strong message to our leaders and the rest of the world that we must protect our Great Australian Bight, and invest in renewables for a better future not outdated fossil fuels.

THIS YEAR WE WILL #JoinHANDS to #FIGHTFORTHEBIGHT. Hundreds of people joining hands to say yes to clean energy and no to inappropriate exploration and drilling in our seas.

This is a family friendly event and everyone is welcome.

Speeches, secret headline musician, street theatre art performance, facepainting, community stalls, kids corner, sand sculpture competition and more.

Wear something BLUE (or your Great Australian Bight Alliance t-shirt) to show your concern for our marine environment.

Please join this facebook event and share far and wide and stay tuned for event updates

This event is part of an international day of action, with events being held all around the world. Sister events are happening all across southern Australia including on Kangaroo Island, in Ceduna, Port Lincoln, Streaky Bay, Melbourne, in western Australia

Learn more about the international movement at

For more information contact Robyn

Hip Hop fundraiser April 29th

Join in the fun at a Hip Hop “Distaste for Nuclear Waste” and Beyonce Booty party to fundraise for the Nuclear Free SA Coalition!

Friday April 29th 7pm at the Adelaide Bike Kitchen 22 Gibson St, Bowden (enter off Third Av.)

See the poster or Facebook event for a list of bands.

FOE Adelaide are a member group of the Nuclear Free SA Coalition.

hip hop