Invitation: The GM-Free Australia Alliance (GMFAA) April 2-4 in Melbourne

Friends of the Earth are a member group of the GM-Free Australia Alliance.

The GM-Free Australia Alliance (GMFAA) would like to extend you a warm invitation to attend the 9th Annual GMFAA Conference in Melbourne, 2nd-4th April.
As global GMO and chemical conglomerates consolidate their grip on farming and seed ownership, our networks are gaining strength to combat their hold over the future of food on our planet.
Seed saving, community gardening, food hubs, regenerative agriculture and indigenous food movements are growing and gaining popularity.
That is why strategic work like ours is so important.
The Alliance brings together campaigners from Foodwatch WA, SAGFIN, Gene Ethics, MADGE and Friends of the Earth with activists based in the Pacific and New Zealand.
Topics covered will include:
· Creating glyphosate-free spaces.

· GM-free food labelling, the GM-Free Shopping list and using social media to promote GM-Free food choices.

GM-free zones and the right to farm GM-Free.

· World-wide threat : New GM techniques are escaping regulation.

· How the industrial food system drives climate change.

· Solidarity with indigenous groups – protecting our region, seeds and food production from climate disasters and biopiracy.

****************************************************************************************************** Keynote Discussion:
10am to 12.00 on Sunday 3rd April at the Green Building
Networking Cool Food Futures – an invitation to join forces – with Nick Rose, Sustain and Fran Murrell, MADGE

Social night :
7pm on Monday 4th April at Friends of the Earth, 312 Smith St, Collingwood.
Snacks, skits and GM-free songs. GMFAA fundraiser.


The GMFAA Conference will be held at the Green Building, 60 Leicester St, Carlton, Melbourne, Australia.


Please RSVP and we will send the full Agenda for the weekend.

More info : GMFAA Co-ordinator Jessica Harrison 0407307231
GM-Free Australia Alliance Inc

The economics of a global nuclear waste facility in SA – Tues 22 March 11am

The economics of a global nuclear waste facility in SA

There’s been so much said about an economic bonanza from building a global nuclear waste facility – but what if the economics don’t stack up?

Come and hear from two renowned economists, Richard Denniss, Chief Economist of The Australia Institute
and Professor Richard Blandy of University of South Australia, at this public forum.

March 22, 2016 at 11am – 12pm
The Grayson Room. Level 1, Mercure Grosvenor Hotel 125 North Terrace, Adelaide.
Adelaide, SA
Google map and directions and RSVP
Conservation Council SA · · 08 8223 5155

The Economics of Nuclear Waste_22Mar2016 (1)

“Black Mist White Rain” – nuclear weapons speaking tour

“Black Mist White Rain” Speaking Tour in Adelaide on the ongoing impact of nuclear testing and the growing global movement to ban nuclear weapons

Speakers: Sue Coleman-Haseldine (Kokatha-Mula), Karina Lester (Yankunytjatjara-Anangu), Rosemary Lester (Yankunytjatjara-Anangu) and Abacca Anjain-Maddison (Republic of the Marshall Islands)

For more information:

RSVP to the Conservation Council here

Facebook event link


Stalls at Port Adelaide “Hart’s Mill” market in March and April

Join us at the Hart’s Mill market on Sundays 20th March and 17 April from 9-2pm Mundy St Port Adelaide – on the wharf front.

We’ll have our stall and be inviting people to sign our ACF/CCSA/FOE postcards to the Premier – SA Too Good to Waste. You can sign online at the link

Hope to see you there!


Nuclear Free SA coalition meeting 6pm Thurs 24 March

Our next Nuclear Free SA coalition meeting will be at the Joinery, Conservation Council, 111 Franklin St Adelaide at 6pm Thursday 24th March.

Please join us.

The deadline for submissions to the Royal Commission interim findings is Friday March 18.

You can send an email to the Premier and your MPs with one easy step at the Conservation Council’s handy link

You can invite friends and family to sign our postcard to Jay online here – please circulate the link to your networks.

Contact for more information