“Don’t Nuke the Climate” bloc at the People’s Climate Rally Nov 29th
On November 29th, will you help create the biggest climate march the world has ever seen?
As world leaders gather in Paris to discuss a global agreement on climate change, we will be part of an international movement- on Sunday November 29th.
Starting from the Torrens Parade Ground, we will march for a transition to renewable energy, secure job creation, and a fairer, more resilient economy, for clean air, a healthy environment, and for a safe climate in the People’s Jobs Justice Climate March.
In a vibrant, musical, and visually creative show of people power and the diversity of our movement, the march will take us down King William Street through the centre of Adelaide.
We will march in sector blocks, each making up a part of the collective, while demonstrating its unique qualities through banners, placards, costumes etc.
At Victoria Square/Tarndanyangga the march will blend into a festival, where there will be music, food, speeches, and stalls.
Join the anti-nuclear “Don’t Nuke the Climate” block and march behind our SA: RENEWABLE NOT RADIOACTIVE banner. Meet 10:30am Torrens Parade Ground on the day.
Contact Robyn Wood for more info robyn.wood@foe.org.au 0423 219 096