Olympic Dam expansion – update

Since the expansion was shelved in 2012, BHP Billiton has announced its intention to investigate heap leach mining as an alternative, cheaper method of processing mined ore.

In July 2014 the company projected that pending government approvals, construction of a heap leach demonstration plant would begin in the second half of 2015, with a 36 month trial period beginning late 2016. In August 2014 the company received Federal approval for a heap leach demonstration plant. It is yet to receive state approval, and reports suggest that it is yet to be sought, with recent comments in the media by SA Premier Jay Weatherill suggesting that even the state government is unclear about the company’s intentions regarding this project.

It’s been reported that the company has been conducting laboratory trials at Wingfield, South Australia, and that they have been so successful that BHP may skip the demonstration plant stage and progress straight to a full scale facility.

BHP has until October 2016 to proceed with an expansion under the approvals given for the expansion it shelved in 2012. Even though heap leach processing was not considered under its original Environmental Impact Statement, the Federal government approved the trial without requiring any further environmental assessment.

This Changes Everything: the Movie

This Changes Everything is an epic documentary by Avi Lewis (The Take) about everyday people responding to the impacts of climate change. It’s inspired by Naomi Klein’s international bestseller of the same title, and looks at the catastrophic consequences of our economic system through the eyes of seven diverse communities.

Having seen the trailer at Naomi’s talk in Sydney, I’d recommend catching the screening at the Piccadilly on Nov 2nd

Screen Shot 2015-10-18 at 4.20.32 PMThis Changes Everything

Monday, November 02 6:30PM – 8:30PM

at Wallis Cinemas Piccadilly

181 O’Connell St., North Adelaide, SA, AU, 5006 (map)

$20.00 AUD General

Tickets from tugg: https://www.tugg.com/events/69380

from the mouths of babes…

“if you want to … cut carbon emissions … in a very substantial way to the levels that the scientists are telling us we need to do by mid-century to avoid dangerous climate change, then a direct action policy where … industry was able to freely pollute, if you like, and the government was just spending more and more taxpayers’ money to offset it, that would become a very expensive charge on the budget in the years ahead.”

Malcolm Turnbull, commenting on Direct Action on Lateline, 2011 see Lenore Taylor’s article  in the guardian

Humanity at the Crossroads-How Spiritual Leadership can affect Climate Change

6.00-8.30pm Tuesday 20th October (food available, Welcome to Country 6.20pm)

Allan Scott Auditorium, Hawke Building, UniSA, 55 North Terrace

Climate Councillor Professor Lesley Hughes joins a Panel of Faith Leaders – Rev Dr Lynn Arnold (Anglican), Tom Price (Bah’ai), Jacqui Remond (Catholic Earthcare Australia), Imam Ensar Cutahija (Muslim) and John Seed (Buddhist).

Inaction on climate change implies injustice on a vast scale and directly threatens core values of our faith, such as peace, justice, care and equality. This interactive free forum will leave you feeling empowered and motivated.

Further information online on Multifaith SA website  http://multifaithsa.org.au/upcoming or

Please Register here:  https://www.eventbrite.com.au/myevent?eid=18455709524Screen Shot 2015-10-18 at 3.17.15 PM