Stop the TPP – email your Senators!
FoE Adelaide are very concerned about the recent agreement of theTrans Pacific Partnership. GetUp are running a campaign to make it easy to email your Senators to ask them to oppose the Investor State Dispute Resolution Service (provisions that would allow foreign corporations to sue governments for making laws that could hurt their bottom line) and to formally oppose the TPP. FoE encourages members and friends to email their Senators and the GetUp link makes it easy.
“Stop the TPP in the Senate
While widespread public opposition to the TPP, gave Trade Minister Robb little room to sell out Australians’ access to affordable medicines, we still don’t know the details of the agreement!
Even though the deal has been finalised, the details of the agreement still remain a secret – as we all know, the devil’s in the details.
We do know that the TPP still includes ISDS provisions that will allow multinational corporations to sue Australian governments, putting our health care system and environmental standards at risk.
However, it’s not over yet. The TPP legislation still needs to make it through the Senate, where Labor and the crossbench senators’ votes will be critical.
We’ve heard some strong words against ISDS provisions, but it will take more than words to stop a bad deal from getting over the line. We need to know where the senators stand.
Can you contact your senator and call on them to oppose the agreement in the Senate?
What can Labor and the crossbenchers do right now?
While it won’t be possible for Parliament to modify the text of the agreement, the Senate will have an opportunity to vote on the TPP deal at large. Labor and the crossbenchers could commit to stand against the TPP by voting against the implementing legislation in the Senate.
Your senator could confirm that they oppose the ISDS provisions in the TPP. These provisions, would allow foreign corporations to sue governments for making laws that could hurt their bottom line. We know that the Howard Government and the Gillard Government have stood against ISDS provisions in trade deals with the US in the past.
Your senator could formally oppose the TPP. Right now, the Australian public has few details on the deal, and what we do know tells us that the costs very likely outweigh the benefits. Your senator could come out in opposition to the TPP”.