Tony Abbott in denial

There’s a lovely summary of government energy policy on the RenewEconomy webiste:

Grahame Morris – a former chief of staff to Coalition prime minister John Howard, and a corporate lobbyist who is influential in the government of Tony Abbott – had, in the words of Q & A host Tony Jones, steam coming out of his ears at the idea that wind and solar could offer a future energy solution.

morrisFlapping his arms about and pointing his finger, Morris exclaimed: “Look, not everyone wants a bloody big windmill in their backyard … nuclear power is clean … one of the problems with the third world with poverty is that they don’t have electricity. We have coal and we have uranium that can provide energy sources for those people. You are talking about poverty  … that is the answer.”

Read the full article Tony Abbott in denial about Australia’s energy future

Introducing our new CANE campaigner!

We are very pleased to announce that Nectaria Calan has accepted the position of Anti-Nuclear/Pro-Renewables Campaigner with the Clean Futures Collective’s Campaign Against Nuclear Expansion.
Nectaria will work with us on a part time basis over the next six months. She holds a Bachelor of International Studies (Honours) and has previously worked with us as an Anti-Nuclear Coordinator. She brings strong skills and experience in grass roots activism and media.
Nectaria is passionate about environmental issues, and strongly believes that the social and environmental problems the nuclear industry creates far outweigh those it purports to solve.  She was an organiser and spokesperson for the Lizards Revenge event, a week long protest-festival held at the gates of the Olympic Dam mine in July 2012 to raise awareness and protest the mine, its expansion, and the broader impacts of uranium.
Nectaria’s responsibilities will include:
  • – tracking activities of the SA Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission
  • – coordinating FoE responses to the Royal Commission
  • – providing the initial point-of-contact for media
  • – encouraging volunteers to join FoE CFC campaign
  • – coordinating volunteer activities
  • – liaising with other groups working on related issues
Members, donors and friends can keep up with the CANE campaign by signing up to our elist to receive meeting minutes – email

Raising CANE: the Campaign Against Nuclear Expansion

The SA Government has launched a Royal Commission into the Nuclear Fuel Cycle in the hope of garnering support for an expansion of the nuclear industry. The terms of reference and the makeup of the commission and its experts are clearly biassed towards expanding the industry.

We believe this is an attempt to soften up the public for the creation of a nuclear waste dump for high-level waste from overseas.

FoE Adelaide are proud to announce the launch of the Campaign Against Nuclear Expansion

We believe that renewable energy is the best alternative to fossil fuels and SA is not the place for a nuclear waste dump, an enrichment facility or expansion of uranium mining.

How you can help

If you’ve got time, or skills to help in the campaign, contact FoE Adelaide or meet fellow campaigners upstairs at Kappy’s Tea & Coffee Merchants at 1/22 Compton Street, Adelaide, between 4 and 6pm Mondays.

Keep up to date on events by joining the FoE anti-nuke google newsgroup (email and ask to subscribe), or subscribe to the fortnightly email from FoE Adelaide (form on website, bottom left).

Join Friends of the Earth Adelaide

If you’ve got a busy job and can afford it, please contribute to the CANE fund, either with a one-off donation, or a regular contribution (eg $10, $20 or $50) for several weeks or months.  Here’s an online donation form

FoE Adelaide Plans

Friends of the Earth Adelaide have hired a part-time campaigner to respond to the Royal Commission into the Nuclear Fuel Cycle, highlighting how we wish to keep our state nuclear-free. They’ll also note opportunities to interact with the Royal Commission and campaign for renewables.

  • We’ve already allocated $5000 towards the campaign, but we hope to raise more funds to extend the campaign into the public arena.

Encouraging FoE at tax time with a donation


Its tax time as the end of the financial year approaches – will you encourage our campaigning with a tax deductible donation?
Our two collectives are busy planning our campaigns and would welcome your support.
Friends of the Earth Adelaide are one of South Australia’s foremost community campaign organisations. We work to address social and environmental justice issues through community action. Friends of the Earth Adelaide has two primary campaign collectives that welcome your support!

Clean Futures Collective

Active since 2005, the Clean Futures Collective is one of South Australia’s primary campaign groups on mining, energy and nuclear issues. The collective is committed to creatively

  • promoting sustainable, socially and ecologically conscious technologies
  • supporting Indigenous communities adversely affected by the nuclear industry, particularly through uranium mining or nuclear waste dumping
  • raising public awareness about mining and energy issues
  • monitoring the activities of the nuclear industry

Passionate about justice and the health of SA’s fragile arid ecosystems, the collective coordinates Friends of the Earth’s legendary nuclear education tour: the Radioactive Exposure Tour and is a participant in the Australian Nuclear Free Alliance.

Reclaim the Food Chain

Reclaim the Food Chain draws together community members passionate about the politics and practicalities of contemporary food issues. Inspired by the concept of ‘food sovereignty’, the collective campaigns both on the environmental and social impacts of agriculture, trade and aid policy (for example, the impact of Free Trade Agreements or corporate control of food production and retailing) as well as having a strong emphasis on local, practical food production and community building. Some of our projects include:

  • The Urban Orchard homegrown fruit and vegetable exchange. A monthly neighbourhood meeting place for the exchange of surplus backyard produce, skills and knowledge.
  • The Feast of Film. An annual food and agriculture film festival, held annually showcasing some of the world’s best films on food, agriculture and community.