Report back – Diesendorf Renewables Talk at the Conservation Council

A great talk last night In Conversation with Professor Mark Diesendorf at the Conservation Council, letting us know a roadmap to SA becoming 100% renewable in 15 years. He explained why nuclear is definitely the wrong way to go.

The Conservation Council have an auto petition email you can send to Premier Weatherill to ask him to go renewable – at the link.

Thank you to everyone who stopped by and said hello at our FOE stall.

100 percent renewables pic

The Conservation Council’s latest report shows we can build on SA’s world-leading success and get to 100% renewables in just 15 years!

Conservation SA commissioned leading energy expert Dr Mark Diesendorf to investigate the feasibility of 100% renewable electricity for South Australia by 2030. The report finds that this is entirely achievable even without supportive Federal Government policies.

You can view or download a summary of the report’s findings or the full report.

Most exciting is that we don’t need to wait for a supportive Federal Government: to seize this opportunity we just need our State Government to act.



Ross Garnaut talk: Australia: Energy Superpower of the Low-Carbon World

  Professor Ross Garnaut
Australia has the potential to be even more important in global energy
in a low carbon world. Amongst the world’s developed countries, Australia has by far the greatest per capita potential for low-cost production of energy from most of the promising renewable sources: solar, wind, deep geothermal, wave and tidal.
Professor Ross Garnaut

You can read the text of his lecture. The University will post the recording of the session Tuesday the 30th.

Australians get a second chance at internationally low energy costs with the world’s transition to a low-carbon economy. Managed well, the transition to a low-carbon economy will restore and enhance old Australian strengths, this time built on sustainable foundations.  These strengths will be especially important in South Australia.

The Adelaide University 2015 Luxton Memorial Lecture was delivered by the distinguished academic and economist, Professor Ross Garnaut AO. Professor Garnaut is a Professorial Research Fellow in Economics at the University of Melbourne (since 2008). He was the senior economic policy official in Papua New Guinea’s Department of Finance in the years straddling Independence in 1975, principal economic adviser to Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke 1983-1985, and Australian Ambassador to China 1985-1988.

He is the author of a number of influential reports to Government, including Australia and the Northeast Asian Ascendancy (Australian Government Publishing 1989), The Garnaut Climate Change Review (Cambridge University Press 2008) and The Garnaut Review 2011: Australia and the Global Response to Climate Change (Cambridge University Press 2011).


updates on the Campaign Against Nuclear Expansion

Updates on our Clean Futures Collective’s Campaign Against Nuclear Expansion (CANE) will be available in the form of meeting minutes.  If you are a member or donor and would like to receive copies of the minutes please send your email address to  Currently we are meeting weekly at Kappy’s Cafe in Compton St from 4-6pm Mondays, all welcome.

Campaign Against Nuclear Expansion meetings changes to Monday nights

All welcome at our weekly Campaign Against Nuclear Expansion meetings on Monday evenings starting 15 June

4-6pm Kappys Tea and Coffee Merchants cafe

Compton St Adelaide (between Gouger and Wright St).

We would like to build a coalition of individuals and groups to work together to help the Nuclear Royal Commission reach the correct conclusion that a nuclear SA is not the way to go.

SA: Renewable not Radioactive

Come along whenever you can or contact Robyn 0423 219 096 or

Vic Square Renewables Not Radioactive banner Marcy 2015

Making Solar Thermal Happen 5th August

solar thermal photo

Tuesday 5th August 6pm

Allan Scott Auditorium (H2-16), Hawke Building, City West Campus, University of South Australia (55 North Tce Adelaide)

Join the Repower Port Augusta Alliance for an evening discussing why and how we can make solar thermal happen in South Australia. With Dr Keith Lovegrove, solar thermal expert, Climate Change Institute at ANU (Canberra); Dr. Peter Burdon, Senior Lecturer at the Adelaide Law School and members of the Port Augusta campaign group.

CLEAN Climate Emergency Network

Entry by donation

Facebook RSVP