RadTour gets closer..27 June – 8 July 2015

Run by Friends of the Earth, this year’s Tour will take place from Saturday June 27 to Wednesday July 8, 2015.  Contact Robyn if you would like to get involved with their Adelaide welcome around July 8th: robyn.wood@foe.org.au.  See below for ticket links.

Radtour photo

Participants get to experience consensus decision making, desert camping and vegetarian cooking in affinity groups while travelling to some of the most beautiful and ecologically significant environments in Australia. If you’re interested in learning about the industry or anti-nuclear campaigning, the “Rad Tour” is an essential start or refresher.


Trans-Pacific Partnership campaign request

Fair Food Adelaide’s March Against Monsanto project invite you to take action about the Trans-Pacific Partnership  by emailing Trade Minister Andew Robb.

The Trans Pacific Partnership campaign by Getup asks you to please consider writing a quick email to Trade Minister Andrew Robb: tell him not to sign.

The Trans Pacific Partnership  will allow corporations to sue the government

  • if they don’t like our food labelling,
  • if they don’t like our ban on GM in foods over 1%,
  • if they don’t like SA’s GM moratorium,
  • if they don’t like us banning gas fracking of farmlands and wilderness
  • if any legislation interferes with their business plans

The TPP will make medicines vastly more expensive and generally undermine Australia’s sovereignty.  Our federal, state and local governments will be beholden to foreign multinationals when writing our laws through fear of being sued.


FoE Submission to the Terms of Reference of the Nuclear Energy Cycle Royal Commission

The SA government is holding a Royal Commission into the nuclear fuel cycle.

On the cards is examining uranium enrichment, nuclear power and a nuclear power dump.

Our Premier Jay Weatherill says he used to be anti-nuclear but now he has an open mind as he is concerned about climate change and our state’s economy.

Friends of the Earth Adelaide joined many groups and individuals in making a submission to the Terms of Reference of the Royal Commission – please see the link.

The Conservation Council of SA is hosting community members who wish to work on the Royal Commission over the next year on Tuesdays in their new HQ at 111 Franklin St Adelaide – contact Robyn for more information robyn.wood@foe.org.au

Submission to the Senate Inquiry into Wind energy

The Senate is having yet another inquiry into wind farm energy.

Friend’s of the Earth Adelaide made a submission as its important to show there is support for renewables.  Here is a copy of our submission.

Wind Energy Senate Enquiry Submission by Friends of the Earth Adelaide 22.3.15



Students of Sustainability Conference July 8-12 Flinders University

The national Students of Sustainability conference is on again and this time in Adelaide at Flinders University 8-12 July!  Friends of the Earth just might have a surprise….

students of sustainability pic


Students of Sustainability (SoS) is the largest and longest running environmental & social justice conference in Australia and this year the conference will be in South Australia at Flinders University on Kaurna Country.

SoS is organised by students from the Australian Student Environment Network (ASEN) and brings together environmentalists, social justice advocates and activists from all over the country to share ideas and action.

The five day conference will explore how we can act on environment and social justice issues and find solutions for change. A variety of workshops, forums, plenaries, excursions and plenty of entertainment will fill the program, plus all of your meals and on-campus camping are covered in the ticket price.

The broad spectrum of experiences, diverse people and activities involved, makes SoS a crucible for sharing ideas, visions, designs and goals on how to make positive change. If this sounds like your kind of scene, come and join academics, entrepreneurs, Aboriginal elders & delegates, change-makers, campaigners and students who are working together for people and planet.

REGISTER NOW at www.studentsofsustainability.org and take advantage of early bird ticket offers.

If you have any questions you can also ask them in the Facebook event page.

See you there! Robyn Wood robyn.wood@foe.org.au