Report back from the nuclear free picnic and March in March Rally

A great time was had by all on the banks of the Torrens at Bonython Park for our sushi picnic and poetry slam to honour the fourth anniversary since the ongoing Fukushima disaster started in Japan.   Friends of the Earth’s Dr Philip White spoke about Fukushima and his experience with the nuclear industry in Japan.

Here’s a picnic pic of the Conservation Councils excellent banner SA: RENEWABLE NOT RADIOACTIVE

picnic banner march 2015

and a few from the March in March rally and parade which Friends’ of the Earth Adelaide helped organise.

waste barrels on bike trailer

Vic Square Renewables Not Radioactive banner Marcy 2015

barrel and rad suits parliamnt house

Plant a seed or tree on Earth Day Wed April 22nd

Please join in Earth Day celebrations by planting a seed, seedling or tree on Earth Day Wed April 22.

An international Facebook event page has been set up.


Be a part of the biggest grass-root effort in history by planting a seed/tree as a “give back” to Earth.

earth day plant seed

It’s an old Native American tradition that when you take something from the Earth, you must put something back. Earth Day 2015 will be a global “give back to Earth” event, as an “offering” for all the planet gives us. Our goal is to plant one billion seeds/trees. Please plant something that is organic, perennial and suitable to the growing conditions in your area. If the temperature is not conducive to planting on April 22nd, please start growing a plant indoors or commit to planting your tree once the outdoor temperature is warm enough. If you live in an apartment, please plant something in a container or donate a tree to a garden in your area. Please nurture your plantings, like children, until they can sustain themselves on their own.

It is important to keep a certain portion of the planet covered with forests as it is essential for regulating the distribution of rain and snow over the surface, thus, controlling the climate. Every tree planted will assist in stabilizing the climate and provide habitat for various species.


We need your assistance in contacting local organizations, business establishments, schools/universities in your area to get them involved. There is a group page on Facebook for the planning of the event. Feel free to join and offer whatever assistance you can. Everyone is welcome…All ideas are welcome.

We can no longer wait for something outside of us to create change. WE ARE IT.

For the Butterflies, some planting suggestions: milkweed, honeysuckle, aster

For the Bees, some planting suggestions: dandelion, lavender, ox-eye daisy, snapdragon, nasturtium, sunflower, yarrow, wild lilac, echinacea, hosta, zinnias

HOSTED BY: Earth Day Network, Forest Nation, The Master Shift, and The White Feather Foundation

Please contact these organizations for information on tree planting in your area, to purchase trees/seeds, or perhaps to make a donation. Or…just purchase from your local garden center. 🙂

RESOURCES: ( ( ( ( (

SayTrees. org (info@saytrees. org)

Volunteer for the AVM One Million Tree Initiative for Haiti ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (


Organizations: Archangel Ancient Tree Archive, 2 Let it Bee Project, Illinois State Beekeepers Guild, Tree Foundation, Chiwara Permaculture Research & Education, Eco Village Development Foundation, Thinker Boat Expedition, Changing Hands, Say Trees, What Would Love Do Foundation, LIBERAMA. org, The Omega Institute, CELT – Centre for Environmental Living and Training, Growing Up Africa, Circle Squared Foundation, Food is Free Project, Promosaico, Pure Union, AG-Moos, International Blue Cross & Crescent Society(Asia), Afghan Elites and Women Scientific and Vocational Association, Let’s Do It Romania, VZKG, Share’n’Care, Projects Abroad, Elite Care Sylvan Park in Vancouver Washington, Russian Riverkeeper, Children’s Discovery Center in Austin Texas, The Monterey Bay Holistic Alliance, Dogwood Alliance, Hortus Alkmaar Netherlands, Association of cyclists “Kotur” Vinkovci, The Green Haven Project, The Conservation Council of Ontario, Transition US, Institute of HeartMath, Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature, Dovje-Mojstrana: Zelena prihodnost, Seneca Nation Health System, Projects Abroad, May Project Gardens, the pine project, 10,000 HOURS, LAPAS, Lower Eastside Girls Club, Nezavisno doma?instvo, Regenerative Roots Association, New Voices Pittsburgh, FREEFARMERS-SA

Universities/Schools: University of Michigan Permaculture Design Team, University of Belize, Kuwait English School, “L.V.L.G”groupe (Les Volontaires du Lycée de Grombalia) a groupe of volunteers of the secondary school in Grombalia,Tunisia, International Student Association Romania, Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, Victoria College Environmental Club, Holy Redeemer Catholic School, ??????????Minnano Eigo School”, Columbia Law School, Woodbrook Secondary School, Club Genpro Higher Institute of Technological Studies. ISET ZAGHOUAN.Tunisia, WAZIR JEHAN GOVT GIRLS SECONDARY SCHOOL, Glastonbury Forest school

Businesses: Miracle Studio 369 Events, Inspire Gym Kuwait, Peru Cycling, PlanetPals, Starwood Hotels, Chasing Ice LLC, House of Development, Yves Rocher Kuwait, Omppu Tonttu Organic Farm, Terra Frutis, Red Mandala Jewellery, Sequoia Design, Sorbet Cosmetics, Green Magz, Pacha’s Pajamas, Kulturzentrum Schmelze Cultural Center (Germany), EPD Consultants, Eyedeal Media, Leanne’s House & Pet Sitting, RA Lifestyle Management, Massage in Cornwall, Permaculture Magazine, NOBEL Pots & Pavers, The Fairies Pyjamas, Yoga in Tinos, Farmer Brown Organics, The Wellness Path, ArbOriginal Limited, Gail’s Garden, Tourist Board Sisak, Croatia

Clubs/Groups: Sunshine Centre Gardening and Nature Club, KWELA VINTAGE CREATIVES

Facebook Groups: Julian Lennon, Tao & Zen, Higher Perspective, Expanded Consciousness, The Age of Enlightenment, Sini Mini Movement, 1pathtopeace, Law of Attraction Networks .com, Mte das Uvas – IF ImagineWorldFestival, Altologi Skolen, Cosmic Oneness, Psychedelic Adventure, Soul Quest, Ciudadanos del Mundo, Peace Passages, Department of Sunshine and Rainbows, Cortina Verde.ONG, SPIRAL-CHANNELS Support Association (SCSA), Charlotte Shamanic Way, Worldwide Women’s Support Circle, Tree of Hope, Give A Shit About Nature, Enlightened Muttakin, Please Pick Project, iRiE, Sheila Burke, Be the change you want to see in the world, Permaculture Pathways, Living in Tune, Pakistan World Peace Daily, Za zdravu opštinu Stara Pazova, REFRI?EZ, Earth’s Treasures, Sustainability for Gaea (Mother Earth), Harmony Healing for Animals, Holistic Pawz, MRGwordgirl, Right from the Rooms, Planet earth fest – PEF, Neezer’s Niche, United Earth, Ripple Kindness Project, Old Growth Forest Network, Well Cared 4 Body, Inc., Positive Thinking, Positive posts, The Girl God, Precious World, Simple Reminders, Alternative Medicine for Everyone, Tree Party Movement, Motivated by Nature, The Culture of Awareness, Creative Permaculture, Fractal Enlightenment, Peace Flash, At Your Service, The Green Central Castle of Enchantment, Spirituality Fountain, The Resilience Hub & Portland Maine Permaculture, Unify, UPLIFT

*If any group/organization or business would like to be a part, please send an email to and we will gladly add your name to the list.

Join in the RET battle

Along with two dozen environment, climate and energy groups, we are pushing for the PM to keep the RET at current levels. Please take one or more of the steps suggested below to lobby the PM on this issue.

Environment groups send open letter to PM: Protect the RET

The federal government continues to try and destroy the renewable Energy Target. So far the ALP has refused to do a deal to reduce the current RET, and the Greens firmly oppose any deal. It’s vital that the community remind the PM that there is overwhelming support for renewable energy, and that most people want more, not less renewables. Recent polling on the RET shows that more than 88% of Australians would like to see the Renewable Energy Target either increase or remain at the current level of 41,000 GWh.

This morning we have joined with 22 other groups to urge the PM to keep the RET at the current target of 41,000 Gwh. Check here for the letter.

Please add your voice

1/ Please cut and paste the letter below to the Prime Minister (please feel free to personalise it and add extra information) and send it to the PM via his website.

2/ Post it on the PM’s facebook page

3/ Send him a message by Twitter. Eg:

PM @TonyAbbottMHR I support renewable energy for climate action, jobs, investment. No cut to the Renewable Energy target


An Open letter to the PM

Screen Shot 2015-03-20 at 3.09.17 pmDear Prime Minister                                                                                                   24  March 2015

We are a diverse group of leading organisations who represent a broad cross section of people in Australia.

We, and millions of Australians, believe that powering our nation with renewable energy is common sense.

We call on you to honour your government’s pre-election commitment to keep the 2020 Renewable Energy Target at the level currently legislated, including the Large Scale Renewable Energy Target of 41,000 Gwh.

To re-instate business, investor and household confidence, we would welcome clear commitments beyond 2020 to accelerate the transition to clean renewable energy.

Showing leadership on the Renewable Energy Target will be a win for jobs, for households, for our health, our economy, and our environment.

The 2020 Renewable Energy Target has strong public support. More than 88%* of Australians would like to see the Renewable Energy Target either increase or remain at the current level of 41,000 GWh. With 84% of people indicating it is important the Federal Government invest in renewable energy. Australians think it’s smart to invest in renewable energy instead of dirty coal. The Renewable Energy Target is also enabling more and more people to take control of generating their own power and managing their bills. Solar homes have grown from the hundreds to the millions in less than a decade.

The Renewable Energy Target creates sustainable jobs. The Renewable Energy Target has generated more than 24,000 jobs, and is forecast to generate tens of thousands more. People working in the 1000s of small Australian businesses installing solar panels, as well as larger businesses building and maintaining wind turbines, solar and biomass plants are at risk. Sadly, renewable energy companies have already had to lay off staff due to the government’s plans to cut the Renewable Energy Target. Maintaining and growing the Renewable Energy Target provides a solid foundation for new sustainable jobs in Australia.

The Renewable Energy Target is good for investment. The renewable energy target has been highly successful in mobilising $18.5 billion in investment. If allowed to do its job the target will double this investment to nearly $40 billion by 2020. Maintaining and strengthening Australia’s renewable energy target sends a strong signal to industry that Australia is a safe place to invest. It shows that Australia is open for business in one of the world’s fastest growing sectors.

The Renewable Energy Target cuts pollution. The Renewable Energy Target is currently the only mechanism for driving investment in renewable power and cutting carbon pollution in the power sector. Carbon pollution is contributing to global warming and air quality-related illnesses. Keeping the current 2020 Renewable Energy Target will help retire old inefficient coal-power and make room for clean renewable energy. If the Renewable Energy Target is cut, carbon pollution would increase and the Government would need to purchase additional abatement through the federal budget, via the Emissions Reduction Fund, putting even more pressure on the Budget bottom line.

Any adjustments to the Renewable Energy Target would need to strengthen rather than weaken the ability to provide a stable long-term outlook for investors, workers, households, and Australia’s pollution reduction efforts.

A strong Renewable Energy Target is an investment in Australia’s future.

* ReachTEL poll of 5,036 residents across Australia on the evening of 26 November 2014

“Powering Australia with renewable energy is common sense”