350.org notes re Global Divestment day

Some weeks it’s hard to keep up with how quickly the world is changing.

Yes, part of that is the climate crisis: we live in a world that’s been profoundly and dangerously altered. But the politics of climate change are changing too, and some weeks you can feel a tangible shift in what is possible and what is not.

This is one of those weeks, and Global Divestment Day is a chance to be part of that shift. Together, we’re changing the game and putting fossil fuels on the defensive.

Click here to register for Global Divestment Day which kicks off at the end of this week.

But if you really can’t make it or don’t live near an event, here are 3 important things you can do instead:

1. Divest your bank

Click here to see whether your bank is financing fossil fuels

Click here for a step-by-step guide on how to switch banks

Click here for a letter to send your current bank to explain why you’re leaving

Click here for a letter to send your new fossil free bank to explain why you’re joining them

2. Divest your super

Click here to see where your super fund stands on fossil fuels. Via Super Switch, you can contact your super fund to ask them to stop investing in fossil fuels or search for a fund that is fossil free.

3. Change your profile picture on social media to demand divestment

Call on your bank, super fund, favourite celebrity, local council, faith group, politicians, school, university or other local institution to stop financing climate destruction. Click here to change your profile pic today.

I can’t wait to see what we’ll do together for Global Divestment Day this Friday and Saturday across the country and around the world.

Thank you so much for being part of the movement,

Charlie for the 350.org team

PPS: Did you hear that the world’s largest sovereign wealth fund just divested from dozens of fossil fuel companies including 40 coal companies? Like and share here.

“We’re in a much better situation to win but we need to understand that this is a window. This is the last moment to be complacent.” – Naomi Klein, Global Divestment Day Web Workshop, 28 January 2015

Nuclear Lessons Unlearned in Japan

On 11 March it will be four years since a huge earthquake and tsunami caused the meltdown of Tokyo Electric Power Company’s (TEPCO) Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. There is still no end in sight for the suffering of the people of Fukushima, but now it seems that the government and the electric power industry are moving inexorably towards the restart of reactors which have been shut down for most of the time since the accident.

“How can this be?”, incredulous observers might wonder. There are a few key factors which make it possible for the government to ignore the wishes of the bulk of the Japanese population for a nuclear phase out.

First, the current government, led by the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), came to power not because of its support for nuclear energy, but because of the incompetence of its predecessor. The Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) enjoyed a brief three years in government, a period which happened to coincide with the nuclear accident. Responding to public opposition to nuclear power, it declared a goal of phasing out nuclear energy by 2039, but due to its many other failings it was decimated in December 2012 elections and has failed to recover since. The LDP has returned to the pre-eminent position it has occupied for most of the last 60 years as Japan’s leading party and, because it has no challengers, it is riding roughshod over the public will.


Fri Feb 13th – Break up with Fossil Fuels in the Mall! 11am

On February 13 Adelaide is joining the global movement to divest from fossil fuels. We invite you to join us in the Rundle Mall to learn about the divestment movement and take action against dangerous climate change.

Hear from speakers and take part in this global event as we travel from the West to the East side of Rundle Mall.

Please wear ORANGE and lots of it 🙂

Together, we will show that we are a truly global and growing force to be reckoned with. As the fossil fuel industry throws more money at fossil fuel expansion, we will turn up the volume of our divestment movement. And we won’t stop until we win.

Organised by 350.org and the Conservation Council of SA

For more information see our Facebook event or contact Robyn robyn.wood@foe.org.au


Survey: What do you think about the nuclear free movement in Australia?

please fill out this short survey!

What do you think about the nuclear free movement in Australia?

The nuclear free movement has been around for a very long time, we are really keen to hear your thoughts about the movement to help us grow and change and adapt. Your time is so much appreciated and will help towards creating a nuclear free future.

Follow this link to take this quick and easy survey. https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/8SS3LVX

Australian nuclear tests exhibition at Balaklava Feb 13&14

The 10 Minutes to Midnight showcase sits at the creative junction between historical fact, eye-witness testimony and artistic interpretation, responding to the slow public reveal and long-term legacies arising from the British run atomic experiments at Emu Field and Maralinga, South Australia and Monte Bello, Western Australia during the 1950s and 60s.

Friday & Saturday 13-14th February 7 – 9pm

Saturday matinee 14th February 4 – 6pm


Tickets:   www.adelaidefringe.com or ph 1300 621 255
Main Venue:  Balaklava Town Hall, Wallace St, Balaklava (SA)
