The Lizard Bites Back protest festival info night Tue 21 June

The Lizard Bites Back protest festival info night
Adelaide Bike Kitchen
22 Gibson St Bowden
Tuesday 21 June

The lizard bites back protest festival will take place at the gates of the Olympic Dam uranium mine from the 1st – 3rd of July this year.

Join us at the Adelaide Bike Kitchen on Tuesday 21st for an informal discussion about the event, including what to expect, why we are going, logistics, legals and anything else people want to discuss. Feel free to forward any questions to us before the info session.

This will also be a great opportunity to organise car poolingface to face, so if you are looking for passengers, or you need a lift, come along and we can connect drivers with passengers.

The lizard bites back follows on from the lizard’s revenge in July 2012, which saw approximately 500 people converge near the gates of the mine for five days of workshops, actions and music.

With SA currently facing two nuclear waste dump proposals, and BHP Billiton projected to start a heap leach trial by the end of the year as part of an alternative expansion plan, this is an important time to mobilise and send the message that there is strong community opposition to any expansion of the nuclear fuel cycle in SA.

In July we will re-focus on the source of the problem, highlighting an absurd global situation where we keep mining a mineral we have no idea how to dispose of safely, whilst proposals are again being made to force nuclear waste dumps on communities that do not want them.

The Lizard Bites Back will be held on Kokatha country.

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lizard photo